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Hey Lindy, I'm PsYcHo_RaGE

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Hey Lindy, I'm PsYcHo_RaGE last won the day on April 26 2019

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  1. i guess you need to know how smtp works. first create an email account in cpanel if you have and note both the email and the password you would set now again after done creating it, goto to manage email and it will open a new windows then will redirect to the settings you have to use for smtp email integration. keep the tabs open and open the admincp, now goito email settings and add your email account and below add pass and mailhost etc and also set the protocol to ssl instead if tcp or plain/text. if you need more information just pm me or reply here
  2. i guess it says that you haven't added the api key to connect both ips suites and perform these operations
  3. Would you mind sharing some sub-plugins of ipb chatbox?

    i need giphy and guggy plugins etc

  4. if you want a fast and reliable download site like filehippo, getintopc, downloadpirate, sadeempc etc then go for Wordpress and start with the Easy Digital Downloads Plugin. Yeah you can also use the IPS 4.x.x as suggested by @PlanetMaster but that won't be fast and reliable as like wordpress. but only flaw of wordpress is that its a little bit tricky to use and the IPS is too much easy to use. so choose what you want by yourself and if you need help > i am always around here in webflake
  5. so is this error arises only when you or your members try to reset the password? or this happens when the user registers on your site
  6. can you tell me which method you are using to send and verify emails?
  7. Goto AdminCP and setup the emailing system to use as SMTP for better security and response
  8. Did you followed the steps of "how to upgrade" correctly? Guessing it as database problem, i think so
  9. Tell me where do you wanna use that?
  10. First of all > goto AdminCP > System > Site Features > Plugins >Get Ready to install the below plug-in i have uploaded< Smooth Scroller.xml >> now what are you waiting for, install the plugin now after installation, enable and edit its features as want After this Goto > Customization > Appearance > Themes > Choose the theme where you want this smooth scroller a.k.a back2top button modified and click on > Edit HTML and CSS button Now after this goto the CSS Tab and find smoothscroller.css open it and check the code, since you are seeing the code press CTRL + A on your keyboard and replace the already lines of css code with below one .cjScrollToTop { display:none; cursor:pointer; background-color: #5c84a7; opacity: 0.6; position:fixed; bottom:15px; right:15px; width:44px; height:45px; padding:5px; line-height:0 !important; z-index:9000; border-radius:50px; box-shadow:0 4px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.28); } .cjScrollToTop:hover { background-color: #5c84a7; opacity:1; filter:"alpha(opacity=100)"; -ms-filter:"alpha(opacity=100)"; } .cjScrollToTop > a { color: {theme="normal_button_font"}; font-weight:bold; font-size:14px; display:block; padding: 10px; } @media screen and (max-width: 979px) { .cjScrollToTop { bottom:15px !important; right:15px !important; width:44px; text-align: center; } #elCopyright { margin-bottom:45px !important; } } Conclusion Before > After > So what's new with this modification: Transparent when not on hover Color change from transparent to full yeah hover thingy again box shadow smooth circular design responsive for mobile phone view also Bonus code </> if you want different a bit than this above Just replace the code, easy .cjScrollToTop { background-color: #3498db; position:fixed; bottom:15px; right:15px; width:44px; height:45px; padding:5px; line-height:0 !important; z-index:2000; border-radius:50px; } .cjScrollToTop:hover { background-color: #e74c3c; opacity:1; filter:"alpha(opacity=100)"; -ms-filter:"alpha(opacity=100)"; } .cjScrollToTop > a { color:#fff; font-weight:bold; font-size:14px; display:block; padding:10px; } @media screen and (max-width: 979px) { .cjScrollToTop { bottom:15px !important; right:15px !important; width:44px; text-align: center; } #elCopyright { margin-bottom:45px !important; } } find the conclusion of this one by yourself, xD have fun
  11. so you want to remove the copyright? also can i see your footer, send me in pm if you can't here
  12. which theme is it? can i see, i think i have something for ya
  13. instead of using a plugin, the theme might have this inbuilt function just goto > Themes and click on pencil button and then > goto > Navigation tab > their below you will see Navigation Icons > change them one by one in order now since you have six options on your navbar > Browse, Activity, Store, Support, Leaderboard, Testimonials in navigation icons just delete whatever it has already using backspace key and then write new favicon names for six nav bar options and save the theme change......its done!
  14. first thing is this > that the thing you are seeing is the same and exact thing i am seeing when i upload the favicon image....don't worry its not something which is corrupted or anything you need to code. just upload and check the favicon image working the browser tab bar and also if you want it best to work in every area like in admincp also, upload the image to the root of the directory where you have ipb installed and also upload it through theme settings if you want. otherwise not needed when you have the favicon in the root of your ipb directory. i hope this is the best answer i provided, better to try it cuz i have this working
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