Oh yes I am, but I am quite certain there isn't a feature that does what I mentioned above, unless I'm wrong ?
EDIT: Why you look at that, seems like there was a setting in the groups category, I finally fixed it.. Thanks for the heads up by the way!
I'm not sure if this has been asked or if it's even in the correct section, but I am interested in a way for my Discord server or a bot to check a user role on the website and apply it on the server, so if the users invoice ended and he is returned to his old role it will be applied automatically on Discord.
Sorry if this section is not the right spot to ask this, but I was just wondering what font is the site using, it's very modern and nice to the eye, I'm interested in using this on my own projects on visual studio.
It doesn't seem to work for me with fas fa-crown for example.
<i class="fas fa-crown" style="color: red;"></i> <span style='color: red'>