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  1. I own a dedibox, gonna start something
  2. Come check us out, https://ivorydayz.com/
  3. Sounds good! We releasing our beta phase 1 in an hour
  4. @Zaku @Adrian2 @Charlie Irwin @CaboBoy We finally have finished our website at https://ivorydayz.com and our discord which id love yall to join is https://discord.gg/MUC7XVy
  5. IVORYDAYZ We are a dayz community aimed at roleplaying, as of this moment we have not yet released as we are getting all our mods to be perfected on our server. We aim aswell on making players have a voice and say in our community as if its their own digital playground. CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE SO FAR AND REGISTER AT https://www.ivorydayz.com/ OUR DISCORD LINK IS ALSO THIS IF YOU'D LIKE TO JOIN THAT TO SEE WHEN OUR SERVER DOES LAUNCH. https://discord.gg/f2JfDJk WE ARE PLANNING TO LAUNCH IN A WEEK'S TIME! JOIN NOW!
  6. @Charlie Irwin Currently, we getting the loot tables for moreguns working, which it already is looking like it is. We have buildanywhere so your bases can be built on any piece of land, and im trying to get custom clothing on for now.. Im still hearing from people if we should have traders.
  7. HI. I am creating a brand new look onto dayz standalone, I have rented a server and have started developing, when we launch I would like to invite anybody who plays the game to the server as it would be fun to create a community of like minded individuals to it so that we can all enjoy the game together. Here is my discord if you are intrested. BotiqueStore#0078, it would be great hearing from u, thank you. And Goodbye.
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