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Tommy Vange

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  1. I am not very "pro" at IPS but this should work (i think its dependent on the theme): Put this into your custom.css body { background-color: red !important; } If that does not work, please send me the link to your forum and I'll get the right code for you.
  2. I solved this by myself, for anyone wondering the answer: $steamid = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->steamid; try { $row = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'TestPlox', array( 'steamid=?', $steamid) )->first(); } catch( \UnderflowException $e ) { // There is no row with id=2 in table } echo $row["deaths"]; TestPlox being the Table steamid being the row you're identifying from $steamid being what you're using to identify them deaths being the row I'm grabbing data from I hope that made at least some sense ?
  3. Hello, all webflake(ers), I have been making a stats page on my forum, and I am able to retrieve everything I need (ex. steamid) from the core_members table using the \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->steamid statement with no problem at all. But I have a table called TestPlox containing a few columns (steamid, kills, deaths) and I have no idea how to grab the kills and deaths that correspond to the logged in users steamid. I don't even know how to connect/use any other table than the core_members one. I really hope some of you IPS pros can help me out, Thanks in advance!
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