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  1. Follow Wow, I did not see that, it's in the face! Thank you.
  2. That is the problem, I do not know where or what I have enabled it to happen.
  3. I activated some time ago to close the topics with no new answers in a period x and put a [CLOSED] tag, but I would not like to use this practice anymore. I could not locate easily where I activated this function, does anyone have a light?
    Hello, I'm Brazilian, how can I translate the panel? Because I tried to edit in the same xml, but it has a lot of information, it's not able to locate, could you give me a hand in that? Congratulations on the panel
  4. Antes eu era desconectado até para pesquisar, eu achei o menu em segurança, e escondido em "Mostrar configurações de segurança". Mas parece que resolveu, show brigadão
  5. Qual o caminho para chegar lá? Porque toda vez que tento pesquisar também sou desconectado
  6. After upgrading from 4.2.6 to 4.2.7 it's causing me a lot of headaches, pretty much all the time I'm disconnected from my administrator, for no apparent reason. I already tried to put all the files in 755 permission to see if it was something related, but to no idea, what to do?
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