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  1. Version 2.0.6


    Dimension is a minimalistic theme for xenforo with a unique header effect. Once scrolled, the header collapses into a fixed bar at the top of the page, while also blurring the background image, placing focus on your navigation links. demo https://xenfocus.com/styles/dimension/
  2. did you clear the cache?
  3. how can we make a post global sticky? i tried "pinned" and "featured" option but it did not work. sorry i am new to ipb, asking noob question.
  4. found the file system => register. but i could not understand the code. here is full code <section class='ipsPad'> <br> <h1 class='ipsType_veryLarge ipsType_center ipsType_reset'>{lang='sign_up'}</h1> <p class='ipsType_large ipsType_center ipsType_light'>{lang="existing_user"} <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=login" seoTemplate="login"}'>{lang="sign_in_short"}</a></p> <br> <div data-role='registerForm'> <div class='ipsColumns ipsColumns_collapseTablet'> {{if count ( $login->forms( FALSE, TRUE ) ) > 1}} <div class='ipsColumn ipsColumn_fluid'> {{endif}} <div class='ipsBox ipsPad_double {{if count ( $login->forms( FALSE, TRUE ) ) == 1}}cRegister_noSocial ipsPos_center{{endif}}'> {$form|raw} </div> {{if count ( $login->forms( FALSE, TRUE ) ) > 1}} </div> <div class='ipsColumn ipsColumn_wide' id='elRegisterSocial'> <div class='ipsBox ipsPad_double'> <h2 class='ipsType_sectionHead'>{lang='reg_start_faster'}</h2> <p class='ipsType_normal ipsType_reset ipsType_light'>{lang='reg_connect'}</p> <br> {{foreach $login->forms( FALSE, TRUE ) as $k => $form}} {{if $k !== '_standard'}} <div class='ipsType_center'> {$form|raw} </div> {{endif}} {{endforeach}} </div> </div> {{endif}} </div> </div> </section>
  5. i have added allowed domain for registration https://i.imgur.com/IbOgBwP.jpg but on registration page there is no message for guest about allowed domain list. is there anyway i can place a message for guest which email domain they can use?
  6. is it possible i added some text part in my post as admin which will be visible only for certain group? like this: Google LLC is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products. [hiddenx]These include online advertising technologies, search, cloud computing, software, and hardware.[hiddenx] hiddenx surrounded text will be visible only for for admin or certain group member.
  7. I have deleted some post of a member, but the member total post count remain same, not reduce. will it automatically reduce later?
  8. not working, here is the screenshot which i tried. did i try correct way?
  9. Is there anyway to disable rich format when post? if use tag and add image link we cannot edit link. must delete the image link and re-add. also if we use [url= tag same thing we cannot modify the link. just wondering is there anyway to disable rich text format completely? ps: sorry for my bad english
  10. sorry i am new, started to use ipb yesterday. is there anyway we can add custom bbcoode for 4.2?
  11. is there anyway to disable cover photo, use cannot upload images? i don't want to use server space for image host.
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