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  1. This has been resolved. It needed an absolute path rather than a url path eg: /home/account_name/public_html/images/avatars/upload What a difference 24 hours make. I was relaxing and watching TV when it dawned on me.
  2. I am new to IPS, I have installed IPS in a sub folder for testing and it has installed fine and looks great. I am trying to run a conversion but for every link i enter for the conversion ie linking to avatar folder and emoticons folder I am constantly told "The path entered appears to be invalid." for example to run a conversion for members a required step is to link the avatars folder, /images/avatars/upload i have tried all ways i can think of to add the file path: http://website_url/images/avatars/upload /images/avatars/upload (as i have phpbb installed on my root) http://www.website_url/images/avatars/upload Every way i try i still get the message "The path entered appears to be invalid." IPS is able to read from phpbb database fine as it converted groups. It is only failing when i have to enter a path to an item and i know that paths are correct, see attached image.
  3. Just saying hi guys, I have used phpbb for a number of years and made a huge number of edits to phpbb and extensions, although i am no expert and if i am honest i would get very stuck in writing an extension. I really like the look and feel of IPS and have been contemplating a change. I have been registered here for a few months and decided that tonight I am going to install and attempt to migrate the database from phpbb to IPS, and if all goes well it will be a permanent shift. One thing we do on our current phpbb forum is run raffles. the managing of them is a little haphazard as its essentially a modified donation extension. I was really happy to see that you have a raffle plugin for IPS. I want to take a moment to thank everyone involved. Even if I dont end up using IPS I want you to know that I appreciate your efforts and I will donate in due course.
    Version 4.2.6 Installation did time out but i went back a page and the installation then went fine. The package is fantastic and everything works as it should except for me facebook login will not work, I do not think this is anything to do with the package but more likely to be either facebook or my host GoDaddy (not my choice of host and may be changed). I have created the facebook app and added the app id and secret to the acp. I listed http://"website name"/applications/core/interface/facebook/auth.php within the valid oAuth field on the facebook app and the URL still gets blocked. I see on another forum that a number of users have the same problem (not nulled) with a few of those users still facing the problem after they enter http://"website name"/applications/core/interface/facebook/auth.php into valid oAuth. Just thought i would put this here for those having the same issues (you are not alone), with the slim chance of anyone having another idea to try (excluding a decent host).
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