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  1. Basically i am doing some poker clients modifications and want to sell them to the public. I need something simple with couple categories and concetrated payments with paypal, MB, bitcoin. I have good experience with invision power board but it doesn't seem the best option for a sell site, also made couple wordpress portfolio sites but i have no idea which e-commerse would work for me. Any Ideas ?
  2. Thanks guys I also found this video - for those who have the same issue : How to install Invision Power board on Wamp server The only difference with XAMPP is that you need to copy the IPB files in X:xampphtdocs (just delete everything in htdocs).
  3. So i install XAMPP, start the services and put the www forum folder in the xampp folder ?
  4. Hello guys, so basically i didn't pay my host for 2 months and day deleted my forum. Now what i want to do is start from scratch, but there a lot of things i need to add over long period of time, so i want to create and develop my forum offline and when i add everything - go live. How can i do this ? Please be specific, i am not good in the technical part
  5. I dont know why, by this doesnt work for me. I tried replacing the txt parts and i got a white screen on logging into admin panel. I even downloaded the ready to use txt files from above, white screen again. ;/ Edit : its working now , thank you !
  6. Ok i made a fresh datebase with the same name and user / password, but now i get this error again : There appears to be an error with the database.
  7. I got the update running. It was the username in the config file Ok so i run the forum now but i didn't got my categories and topics back
  8. I will try update... I hope my forum stays there :)I downloaded a new version and copied / over wright the files.I cannot run the upgrade now ( getting error : cannot connect to server) Ideas ?
  9. OK so i coppied all files from homedir folder to my public_html folder : Now when i try to open the forum, it says : Now we have to import the SQL in Cpanel/PHPMyAdmin/Choose datebase/Import/Choose file : Success !(its in bulgarian, but you get the idea:) : Now i get the same error when i try to open the forum. Should i change config files or something ?
  10. So i have an old backup of my old forum. How can i transfer it to the newly created one ? Where the forums stored and which files should i copy ?
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