You don't need to find it. You need to create a css code in your template's CSS section. If you don't know CSS syntax,then it's time too learn it
You should fix the picture. It's not full and for me it's awful...
I found a bug. When you hit +rep button you need to reload a page to dissapear the + and - buttons,but when you hit -rep the + and - buttons dont dissapear.
This is realy nice. I think it's all better than default,but there is bug's with other type of reputation when you use this code. I think you need to re-edit it and make it better.
Hello. I want to ask how to add a CSS code for the hook. I need to update my hook and I need to add a CSS,but I don't know how. And I want that CSS which I will add will be with hook when exporting and that hook will use that code. Thank you.
Nope. There still this error...
After restart checked processes of browser and enden it. It either didn't helped. Then I restarted processes and thats didn't helped too... Problem solved. Needed just some time. Thanks for those who tryed to help.
Hello. I have a error when trying to download a file.
But all my downloads are completed.
I cleaned all my PC cache,registry and all downloaded files.
I hope you will like new version. I fixed some bug's with hook configuration (removed not needed settings. Left just which groups could see this hook).
Please someone could you share some code's. I really need them becouse I don't know very good HTML programing language and it's a big mistake from my life...
Hello again. I'am configurating my hook -
I want to ask a favor. Could you share any good this TUT code edit's? I want to release new version and I want to look it better then now. I would be thankful if you could share any of edit's. I will re-edit edited code's. Thanks
No. This isn't fake. The IPS developer's are testing on that website. Some of the user are approved for testing help.
So if you don't know anything, don't write anything...
I'am already fixing bug's.
It's more to a licensed forums (tested on invisionpower demo forum and it worked fine).
New version will have some new stuff.
With this hook you will put your profile information to sidebar.
Hook creator - Gabas. (Slow_Brothers it's nickname and Gabas is my real name). I hope you will like it!