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PokemonCatcher last won the day on January 25 2020

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About PokemonCatcher

  • Birthday July 26

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  1. SD Live Streams - Error 500 when loading the actual stream. (SD) Live Streams - Applications and Plugins - WebFlake The application seems to work perfectly up until the part of loading the stream which error 500s out, can't seem to identify anything in logs which makes this difficult to troubleshoot but if anyone has had this issue or any ideas on how to resolve this, would be appreciated.
    Everything works up until going to a stream. Errors out with a HTTP Error 500. Anyone have any ideas as to what causes this?
  2. Hi All, Using the members shop plugin and I'm getting this error when donating points to other users... any ideas? Error: Call to undefined method IPS\Request::referrer() (0) #0 /homepages/18/d767673296/htdocs/forum/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(87): IPS\membersshop\modules\front\shop\_main->donatepoints() #1 /homepages/18/d767673296/htdocs/forum/applications/membersshop/modules/front/shop/main.php(25): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #2 /homepages/18/d767673296/htdocs/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\membersshop\modules\front\shop\_main->execute() #3 /homepages/18/d767673296/htdocs/forum/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #4 {main} Running Invision 4.3.6 Update: I've managed to get this working by downgrading the membershop application to 1.1.2 but this has now caused the Blackjack plugin to break which I suspect is because it doesn't support that version of Member Shop, going to try a couple of other versions of the member shop application to see if this has any effect. Update 2: Yeah this thread can be closed, it's just an incompatibility issue which I suspect there isn't a workaround apart from rewriting the Blackjack application to support older versions which likely isn't going to happen. This is the error code on the blackjack tables in case anyone has any good ideas. Error: Call to undefined method IPS\Member::shopPoints() (0) #0 /homepages/18/d767673296/htdocs/forum/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(98): IPS\msblackjack\modules\front\main\_table->manage() #1 /homepages/18/d767673296/htdocs/forum/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #2 /homepages/18/d767673296/htdocs/forum/applications/msblackjack/modules/front/main/table.php(37): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute() #3 /homepages/18/d767673296/htdocs/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\msblackjack\modules\front\main\_table->execute() #4 /homepages/18/d767673296/htdocs/forum/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #5 {main} I suspect it'll be a case of "no" though
  3. Is this issue happening for all users?
  4. Version 1.2.1


    About This File Adds status replies and add reply support to the "Recent Status Updates" widget, similar to how IPB 3.4 worked. Features: Expand/collapse toggle for displaying status replies. Full rich text support for both status updates and replies. Support for status reply pagination. Add status reply form and save using ajax. Set a status reply limit before directed to members profile page. Enable or disable text truncate for status updates or replies. Optional setting to include status reply reactions. Optional setting to include status update reactions. Modifies the existing core widget, just upload plugin and your done.
  5. Version 1.0.2


    This plugin will allow users to choose one among 634 font awesome icons to be displayed before their link across the suite. Icon will be displayed only before the user link. Setting: Groups allowed to choose an icon
  6. Hmmm, getting out of my depressive state was pretty great stuff. Worst was getting into the worst state I've ever been in, funny how things work out.
  7. Got a switch bois - been playing nothing but Smash.
  8. Castlevania, it's bloody (pun intended) brilliant - I'm not actually huge into anime but it's marvellous.
  9. I prefer PUBG but Fortnite isn't terrible although I suck at building and am too lazy to learn (nor find it very enjoyable).
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