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  1. PC is master race. I can use controller anyway on PC, so there is no doupt.
  2. Samsung, because I dont like iOS. Android to my opinion is better choice, for android I will always find app which depends on my needs.
  3. Hello! Im using VestaCP with nginx+php-fpm. I have enabled Rewrite URLs in admin panel (Search engine optimization). Problem is that Im using nginx and nginx doesnt using htaccess file which I needed for Rewrite URLs. I put this in my nginx config file, but when I visit my forum it just start downloading page. location /forums/ { if (!-e $request_filename){ rewrite \.(js|css|jpeg|jpg|gif|png|ico|map)(\?|$) /forums/forums/404error.php break; } if (!-e $request_filename){ rewrite ^/forums/(.*)$ /forums/forums/index.php break; } } What I did wrong?
  4. Ok, if you suggest me using this api then please explain me how can I make for example users online script in efficient way. I have 30k registered users and I want show users who have been active in the last 30 minutes, I can sort by lastactivity but I can't set in parameters ( i think) these 30 minutes. Thats mean to do that I need on every page load, loop all 30k users and check lastActivity object for each member. That I think is not efficient. So far, I have not found in this API where i can check if a user is logged in or not. E: Btw i fixed my problem, i removed my define from top because that was defined in init.php, very stupid mistake but ty all for help
  5. Im creating my own page which is connected to the forum
  6. Random functions? Wtf bro REST API have very limited functions and usage and why I need use API on the same host if I could just get classes...
  7. Im trying to make my own functions to more easily code my page. For example I dont want every time write this to check member is logged in or not $member = \IPS\Session\Front::i()->member; if ($member->member_group_id != \IPS\Settings::i()->guest_group) I want just do this $forum = new getForum(); if ($forum->isLoggedIn() == true) I hope you understand my idea...
  8. How to include init.php in my other class functions? Here is my code example. <?php DEFINE('ROOT_PATH', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); require_once ROOT_PATH.'/forums/init.php'; class getForum { public function isLoggedIn() { $member = \IPS\Session\Front::i()->member; if ($member->member_group_id != \IPS\Settings::i()->guest_group) { return true; } else { return false; } return false; } } The problem now is that I cant access to init.php classes...
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