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  1. The topic can be closed. Problem solved.
  2. We noticed that our site has a URL text translation problem, unfortunately, the Translit URL plugin fixes the links afterwards. How can we automatically edit for old links. It will be difficult manually. I ask someone else who is knowledgeable about the subject to take it.
  3. The problem resolved by itself. There does not seem to be a problem now.
  4. Test mail comes to my yandex account no problem here. But it does not go to services such as gmail and outlook, for example I did a password reset I sent ss. SS: https://prnt.sc/w0in6k
  5. The e-mail address of the adminCP account has changed to yandex mail and now I am sending mail to yandex accounts. But I cannot send mail to services such as gmail and outlook, I get the same error.
  6. Provider smtp server is running. Mail comes as spam but I can receive mail.
  7. I will give information by trying the provider smtp server.
  8. I contacted the domain provider and they provided the necessary checks. No problems on the provider side. I want to use yandex mail as smtp. When I try a different forum software with the settings I have made, no problem, the mails work.
  9. When I try it on a different forum software with the same settings, there is no problem. The mails work. I installed a different forum software on the same server and when tried with the same settings, there is no problem. The mails work. I'm having trouble with the invision community software.
  10. Yandex mail works when I try it on different forum system. I get an error on the invision community side, I wonder if I need a setting on AdminCP. ?
  11. Hello! When I do the e-mail delivery method via AdminCP as php, the mails come as spam. But I want to use the yandex mail system, I have done all the installations, but I say save the smtp setting, it gives the error I shared in the attachment. What do you think is the reason?
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