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PlanetMaster last won the day on December 6 2018

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  1. That text is compiled in the javascript and cannot be changed. There is way but its too complex for those without scripting knowledge.
  2. First of all restore the original template to fix the page. Secondly that code from the tutorial is ancient and will not work for IPS 4.6. Thirdly there is nothing in that code you posted that changes the size of the avatar. You can do that easily from CSS do not change the template code.
  3. Doesn't chatbox have its own style sheet(css)? Find them in your themes area of ACP, find the class that controls input text, and modify the color. Better to just use a custom override in custom.css if possible.
  4. English speaking forum, please translate the error so we can help. Thanks
  5. Or be smart and generate SSL from Lets Encrypt. trusting your web to 3rd party providers is NOT secure in the least bit.
  6. if you are using the InnoDB database engine, and your should be, there is no repair function. Easy way to fix? Back up DB and delete the duplicate primary key from database. Done!
  7. Had this issue before or similar, PHP sessions are not being written. Check your php.ini settings for sessions, if using files for sessions make sure the path is correct, exists and is writable by the webserver. If using Redis with password make sure configuration in php.ini, redis.conf and IPS is all the same.
    Like @BogdanwI am getting the network error and my network is fine (FIOS). Ran some tests and its the server that keeps resetting so it is on your end. Was able to get it on my 8th try. Ran netstat/ping from my server to yours and waited for the network reset to finish and then grabbed it. Your network resets every 3-4 minutes that's a problem and very unusual, take it from someone that has worked on thousands of servers over 24 years.
  8. 2 faux pas here. First never edit the IPS base files as they will get overwritten with updates, write a simple plugin that will hook into the file and change/replace the desired behavior Secondly the time is there for a reason, the 30 min cache of member online data is to lighten the load especially on busy large communities. I would never go under 15 minutes unless you want a slow and dragging website.
  9. The error is simple the row reportData doesn't exist in your forums_posts table has nothing to do with the theme. Since its a fresh install seems you are missing a plugin/application that requires that field. Have you installed or uninstalled any apps? That is not a default row for IPS forums_post table so its an issue with something else you installed or uninstalled at some point. If it was an install, its not properly setup or needs updating. If it was an uninstall, some dirt was left behind and still looking for that row.
  10. Are you running Apache or Nginx? If its Nginx the .htaccess is worthless. You need to set the rewrite rules in your domains vhost file and then enable friendly URLS. location / { index index.php; try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$uri&$args; rewrite ^ /index.php? last; } Could also be an issue with PHP sessions.
  11. Make sure your domains vhost file has the proper nginx rewrite for IPS, this will fix the redirects. location / { index index.php; try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$uri&$args; rewrite ^ /index.php? last; }
  12. Exactly where you'd think they would be under the forums_ tables forums_forums is your starting point forums_answer_ratings forums_archive_posts forums_archive_rules forums_forums forums_posts forums_question_ratings forums_topics forums_topic_mmod forums_view_method
  13. As long as you have a backup of the database and any uploaded media, the application core of any application, can be updated to its newest version or ported to another application. My media community turns 18 years old this December and it was started on IPB 1.0 free a long time ago, we are now running 4.4.6 with our original posts and media uploads from all those years ago.
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