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About Velexis

  • Birthday 08/17/1996

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  1. There are multiple posibilities here: Let them manage the subforums and all the members. Let them manage the subforums and no members at all. They can not manage the subforums but they can manage all the members.
  2. No problem, glad to help out. First of all, I don't think it is possible to make it so that a moderator can edit specific members only, like you said in your example. It's either delete, ban and promote all members or no member at all. Second, you can specificy specific moderator groups/ranks to a specific forum or in this case subforum. You can do this in the permissions of the subforum.
  3. Hello Intelcoresolo320, To be honest, I don't think it is possible for users to register for a specific subforum. You can, on the other hand, assign them to a specific rank and then edit the subforum permissions that only the specific group can see that part of your forum. For example, you have "Member 1" which should be in "ClientName A" then give him the ClientName A rank which you made earlier. Then change the permissions of the subforums that only users with the rank "ClientName A" can see that part of the forum.
  4. No need to apologize, things in life are more important. Anyway, I have seen a plugin for CKeditor once, I can't really remember what it was called. I'm sure it will be within the list that Cookie Monster linked in his post. I'll check if I can find it again.
  5. Hi Null1ng, welcome to WebFlake! I also have a cat, two cats to be exact, they have typical Dutch/Frisian names "Sjaakie" and "Gijs".
  6. Hello MaLeW, welcome to WebFlake! Enjoy your stay!
  7. Last time I used Invision Power Board was back when 3.4.x, download 4.2.5 now to see what changed and I think it looks nothing like it was back in the day.

  8. Exactly my thoughts when I get one of these errors.
  9. Welcome @AUDINSIDE, Maybe a little bit off-topic, but I have to say, I love Italy! Went there on vacation last summer, it was beautiful and the food was delicious!
  10. Hello Micronx, nice to meet you!
  11. Isn't it possible to just copy and paste and then just remove the background color? It gives the same result and only need 1 more actions for you to do.
  12. Well, this is the biggest suprise I have seen in ages! Anyway, I also love pancakes
  13. I really love Italian food, you can wake me up at night for Italian food. A few months back on 22nd of August I went to Italy and really, I never had better food in my entire life!
  14. I have worked on some private servers too, but I quit after 5 years of emulation. That was around 4 years ago. Anyway, I'm pretty excited about the classic and the new expansion! I have now more questions then answers
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