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SwiftO last won the day on June 25 2021

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  1. We found a developer for it, if you are interested in the plugin we are right now looking for people to also "invest" since it's not cheap, we are already 2 people, the "more" the cheaper it gets for everyone.
  2. This got recommended on IPB forum, and Im hoping someone will create something like this, this can be very usefull for alot of things.
  3. Do you know where? I looked in PHPmyadmin but didnt found anything tbh.
  4. Just wondering, is it possible to delete any "connection" to a certain IP. There is a "Purging" setting, but it would be great if there is smth out there or a way to delete any IP related information to a certain account. Dont know if its possible, probably needs an custom-made plugin which is too much work xD Just wanted to ask if someone knows a way? The Purging Setting is has a 7-day delay and CANT be smaller than that, besides that it deletes ANY IP information from everybody ? Regards
  5. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9879-brilliant-clipboard/
  6. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9342-chatbox/
  7. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9287-brilliant-discord-integration/
  8. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9148-disable-billing-address-for-subscriptions-opt-in-billing/ Wiling to put some money towards this, I have my own IPS licence, but I don't wanna renew it.
  9. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8741-dp45-single-use-license-keys/ Wiling to put some money towards this, I have my own IPS licence, but I don't wanna renew it.
    Looks really good, has "some" bugs, but that's what you get for free I will tweak it a bit. But it looks really really good. And I find it pretty nice from u to publish it for free
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