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Codeeco last won the day on October 12 2020

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  1. Pterodactyl is easier to use, easier to setup and its way sleeker.
  2. I haven't watched Game Of Thrones... Please do not end me xD
  3. Ah. Yeah I forgot that it needed to be approved by someone. Thanks Birdman
  4. Aw snap. No permissions to view that...
  5. Thanks! This thread may now be closed.
  6. I can recommend you using Abelohost if you want to host in The Netherlands. They are great.
  7. I actually have a PC and a console. Its great to have both.
  8. Hey everyone, I am currently looking for the updated version of the Chameleon Dark theme: https://www.ipsfocus.com/themes/chameleon_dark/ The version currently uploaded at WebFlake is unfortunately incompatible with 4.4.2.
  9. Hey everyone, I would like to request the following application: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7268-spacious-acp/ The current version available on WebFlake is incompatible with IPS Community Suite 4.4, unfortunately. Thanks in advance!
  10. Windows Defender is actually getting better, but it doesn't provide the same quality of security as ESET does. I am currently using ESET Endpoint Security together with its Security Management Center to manage my computers and clients. The performance is way better compared to Windows Defender. Its fast detecting threats etc.
  11. Wow. Holy moly. Its a long time ago since I have been active on this community. I have been away because of school and other stuff, like work, but I finally returned. So hey everyone; I am back!
  12. did some carbon based lifeform just say wait....... One.
  13. Hi there @SriYaD, I checked and searched Google for you and some other users have the exact same issue with other applications. The possible fix for this issue is to ask your host or install the php-mbstring (Multibyte String) on the webserver or try to find out if your host meets all the requirements for IPS 4.2.
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