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  1. I really need your help, guys. I have installed IPS 4.3.6 on shared hosting (paying a hosting provider) and they sent me this message today, to solve this issue within 7 days, or else they're gonna suspend their services. (ECD2000 and DMCA Violation Notice) https://imgur.com/a/5Ja2as3 - As you can see in the screenshot, the problem has arisen when they checked my forum license. So, what I should do? Thank you!
  2. Hey, I just installed Neva Dark style on XenForo 2.1. (https://webflake.sx/files/file/5208-nerva-dark-210-xenforo-2-dark-style/) and I have 2 outdated templates in this theme that pops up every time. I would be glad if I can receive some help to fix this issues, 'cause I do not know what to do with it. As you can see, there's a HTML bug in the footer's layer and here you can see how should be looking https://demo.xentr.net/themes.php?theme=Nerva-Dark: Thanks.
  3. Hi, I just installed XenForo 2.1 on a webhost, and when someone's trying to register to my website, they do not receive the confirmation e-mail to complete their account creation step. This error appears in the CPANEL: Email to [email protected] failed: [E_WARNING] escapeshellarg() has been disabled for security reasons. I would be grateful if someone can help me. Thank you, Edmond.
  4. Hello! In the attached screen it can be seen the fact that spam defense doesn't work on the installed platform. So, what would be the solution?
  5. Oh, well, still doesn't work, but I appreciate your response!
  6. Hi there! As you can see in the attached screen, I was trying to use colors in the title, but it doesn't seem to work like it used to in 4.1/4.2... So, what could be the problem?
  7. Hi there! I would be grateful if you can answer my question. The matter is if I open the site in another tab, I'll appear twice in the Who's online widget (1 as logged member/ 1 as guest)... but this shouldn't happen. Also, that's the case if I open the site in 3/4 tabs, I'll appear that many times in the Who's online widget as guest... Normally, it shouldn't matter how many tabs you opened, you should only appear once (with your logged account)
    There's a bug in this theme, in AdminCP. As you can see in the atached screen, there's a white square in the upper left corner. But it can be solved easily.
    It doesn't work on IPS 4.2.4...
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