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  1. Audi prefer them more Wouldn't say no to a bmw for free ? ???
    Unfortunately my Russian isn't very good. Can we have it in English please.
  2. Version 3.0


    Pages SuperGrid is a set of Pages templates and a complete solution to make your Pages databases (with articles, directories and so on) appealing and engaging. SuperGrid is one of the most popular files in the Applications & Plugins category on the IPS Marketplace. What’s needed: IPS 4.2 or 4.3 in its most recent version with the Pages application A pages databases that uses the stock Record Image field and has images with a sufficient resolution uploaded through that field. (Technically, the templates also work without images, but it’s an image-centered design and works best when most or all records have images.) Which templates are included: A beautiful grid-based Front Page template with two records featured at the top — for when your database is set to article mode. A beautiful grid-based Listing template replacing the dull forum listing design — for when you open a category or have a database without categories. A unique Record View template with a large header image — for when you open a specific record. A category listing template – in case you use more than one category. Note: You can use the templates for any number of databases, but the settings will always apply to all SuperGrid templates. Bonus Feature: Block template! Create blocks anywhere on your site – pointing to your database – and make them as beautiful as the database itself. Detailed Feature Description and Notes: Pages SuperGrid is built with the IPS design framework and is therefore fully responsive and compatible to most well-coded/well-designed themes. The styling of your theme(s) is inherited and the Pages SuperGrid templates will usually work out of the box. The template is designed to work on single-column pages with or without a sidebar. The grid will automatically adopt to the available width and collapse on smaller devices. The content field is not shown in the grid-based listing templates and all images will be scaled and cropped (without distortion) to the same size to allow a consistent look. The templates come with lots of options you can easily adjust within the template. Front Page/Listing Template: Show author/category/date: Yes/No Alignment author/category/date Show comments/views/ratings/likes: Yes/No Alignment comments/views/ratings/likes Show record owner’s avatar: Yes/no Alignment record owner’s avatar Title alignment Image Aspect Ratio Use thumbnail or full-size images Turn images into record link: Yes/No Assign fallback image for records without an image Show “featured record” badge for featured records: Yes/No Pick badge style for featured records Show “pinned record” badge for pinned records: Yes/No Pick badge style for pinned records support for category images using the Pages Category Images plugin Record View Template: Image Aspect Ratio Pick Avatar size from 7 options Turn header image on or off Show “featured record” badge for featured records: Yes/No Pick badge style for featured records Show “pinned record” badge for pinned records: Yes/No Pick badge style for pinned records Block Template: Show or hide block title Shuffle entries Randomize shuffled entries
  3. Same found it`s a bit faster with page load speed.
  4. Youtube Never been on Twitch till after I do this post ?
  5. For me windows 10 never had a problem (yet) with it.
  6. Yup broke my nose 3 times In the boxing ring in a street fight(cheap shot,just turned round and the guy punched me) and the other when I was about 10 ran round a corner went head first over a little girl and landed on my nose
  7. Always light theme. Dark just feels gross to me...it's like an edgy early 2000s website.
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