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Everything posted by Banim

  1. I usually prefer darker themes...the forums I have made in the past have always been gaming related though. I do like the look of these forums though, a very clean look.
  2. I like the way things look now! I have been away for over a year and have found things quite easy to find. Looking forward to building my next new forum.
  3. Hey @KELSIER, Thanks for your help!
  4. Hello, I have a question regarding this feature: https://invisioncommunity.com/news/post-color-highlight-r974/ I would simply like to know how to go about defining different colors, for different usergroups. I have seen some other threads in this forum which focus on modifying specific areas of the post, such as the authorpane, but I have not managed to find anything that can accomplish what I am looking to do. For example, I would like to have a yellow border all around administrator posts, and a green border all around moderator posts (the entire post, including authorpane). If someone could post an example of what I should be adding into my Theme template/CSS, I would be glad to build on it and post about the outcome. Thank you.
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