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  1. Welcome back lad! Hope you have a great time and don't leave us
  2. Hey Nikola. Welcome to WebFlakex. I hope you have a great tim here with the rest of us!
  3. Socks But then again I got a headset worth like 150$ a few weeks before XMAS so I'm perfectly happy with socks
  4. Got a very old bird with the name "Chicka" because it sounds so cute and delight :'D
  5. Greetings, and welcome to WebFlakeSX
  6. Furious3lf

    Happy 2019!

    Merry Christmas to everyone!
  7. When anyone with a specific rank posts something, everything in the BG becomes white... I tried to delete the rank and duplicate it/reduce permissions and paste the duplicated but the issue remains... How to fix? http://prntscr.com/h96pfx
  8. Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone
  9. Hello everyone! I'm pretty new with developing in general and even though I have used IPS/IPB it was a very long time ago. Due to this, you can say that I'm a noob and will most likely ask more questions than give answers. So far it's been a pretty positive experience here and I hope that it'll stay that way :).That was it from me. If you have any questions: Feel free to ask below. Until next time!
  10. Hey @DrDazzle. Nice to meet you! I hope you enjoy your stay here
  11. Winner winner chicken dinner
  12. Hello everyone, So recently I tried to add backgrounds for groups, and it worked but only partly.... When ever I try to add backgrounds for more than one group, the image of the latest group is set for all of them, which is problematic since I want different images for all the groups. I've tried to experiment with it, and asked others for advice but have still not found the solution. See the code I'm using below. Themes -> Edit HTML/CSS -> Templates -> Forums -> Front -> Topics -> postContainer <aside class='ipsComment_author cAuthorPane ipsColumn ipsColumn_medium' style='{{if $comment->author()->member_group_id == 4}} background-position-x: 0px; width: 185px; background: url(http://i68.tinypic.com/kdoa9v.png); {{endif}}'> {{if $comment->author()->member_group_id == 8} background-position-x: 0px; width: 185px; background: url(http://i67.tinypic.com/2w2q9ux.png); {{endif}}'> If you dont understand what I mean by "Backgrounds", see the image below.
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