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TOTE last won the day on August 22 2018

TOTE had the most liked content!


About TOTE

  • Birthday April 5

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  1. It created with css. You can change it more easily by placing an image, from the admin panel.
    Excellent, thanks u!
  2. TOTE

    Dynamic Theme

    Version 1.1.6


    Icons navBar Example code: nav .ipsNavBar_primary li[data-navext="Forums"] a::before {content: "\f015" !important;} data-navext - The name of the item menu. You can find it by clicking on F12 in the browser and selecting the item tab.! f015 - Unicode Font Awesome 5 Icons widgets Example code: .cWidgetContainer .ipsWidget[data-blockid*="forumStatistics"] .ipsWidget_title::before {content: "\f015";} data-blockid - The name of the item widget. You can find it by clicking on F12 in the browser and selecting the item tab. f015 - Unicode Font Awesome 5
  3. Version 1.2.3


    Server table showing server information about the status, name, number of players, current map and their owners as applications on IPS Community Suite. ? ? === Demo === ? ? Other features: Set your own fields for the server: Name, Own name, IP, Own IP, Statistics URL, TV URL, Vote URL, Forum URL, Highlight for the server, Special badge for the new server, Hiding server owners in button, The scroll that the user can control, Color filling of players, RWD, Lazy loading in img icons, Table in 2 columns that the user can control, Debug mode for server (A reason can be enter), Separate page for server list Refresh data servers button in AdminCP, Custom connect URL to the server ?️ Requirements PHP 7.3+ - For IPS 4.5 PHP 7.4+ - For IPS 4.6 Bzip2 - Used for A2S Compressed responses Unlocked external ports on the website server ? Compatible servers ARK: Survival Evolved Arma3 Battlefield 2 Battlefield 3 Battlefield 4 Battlefield 1942 Battlefield Bad Company 2 Battlefield Hardline Call of Duty Call of Duty 2 Call of Duty 4 Call of Duty: United Offensive Call of Duty: World at War Conan Exiles Contagion Counter-Strike 1.6 Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Source DayZ Standalone DayZ Mod Discord Garry's Mod GRAV Online GTA Five M Grand Theft Auto Network Half Life 2: Deathmatch Hurtworld Insurgency Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Just Cause 2 Multiplayer Just Cause 3 Killing Floor Killing Floor 2 Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 Minecraft Medal of honor: Allied Assault Multi Theft Auto Mumble Server Natural Selection 2 Quake 2 Server Quake 3 Server Quake Live Red Orchestra 2 Rust San Andreas Multiplayer 7 Days to Die The Ship Squad StarMade Teamspeak 3 Teeworlds Server Terraria Team Fortress 2 Tibia Tshock Unreal 2 Unturned Unreal Tournament 3 Unreal Tournament 2004 Valheim Ventrilo Warsow World Opponent Network
  4. System // SETTINGS // Login & Registration Registration
  5. site.com/admin - e intenta cambiar el diseño al default site.com/admin - you try to change the design to default
  6. Agregar a custom.css div#elCopyright { display: none !important; } ?
  7. TOTE

    BIM ChatBox

    Activa el complemente desde el panel admin y agrega los permisos necesarios para cada grupo.
  8. The commerce has options for each type of payment.
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