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  1. LMFAO!!! That was such a great laugh. I typed *one* word in caps and suddenly I’m causing the admin of a website to compare a two sentence review to a pandemic. ? Forgive me, I forgot the type of communities you mainly pander to. Feel free to delete this since it’s not needed! (There were 7 accounts confirmed suspended from API access for the rate limit issues, Discord tells you this is a consequence in their own documentation, but why argue with someone who hyperbolizes a review as comparable to thousands of deaths.)
  2. Hello, I would like to know why my review warning people of a bad file was removed? I stated no one should download this version of the application because it has errors that cause multiple unnecessary requests to be sent through Discord's API and in turn will cause the community owner's developer account to be suspended and/or banned. It's confirmed in the application author's own support topic with numerous members having the same issue and told to immediately update to the most recent version. Version 1.0.10 and below are not safe.
  3. They're two completely different games. What's the basis of the comparison?
  4. Light themes. I find dark themes extremely limiting in terms of customization since everything has to be dark or it defeats the purpose of calling it a dark theme. Light themes give you a blank white canvas to build on where you can still have some dark elements and it not being as shocking as having light elements on a dark theme. + Like someone mentioned before, dark themes are usually associated with gaming websites. I very rarely find a light theme in that genre.
  5. Winner winner, chicken dinner!
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