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  1. Thanks, please close this topic.
  2. That works, thank you! Two side questions. 1. Do you happen to know how i would go about moving the sign in/up navigation bar above the logo? http://prntscr.com/n13wvl 2. Removing the grey background colour behind the logo itself? Thank you again!
  3. I currently dont have anything in my custom.css other than the background url? Im unsure on what you mean by bad flex code?
  4. link to the forums - https://vengeancepk.com/community/
  5. IPS 4.4 How would i go about making this banner more central and inline with the red lines, and pushing the sign in/up buttons just below the banner image?? Using the theme, Deflection. Thanks
  6. vpk

    Pc vs Ps4

    I've been running a PC setup for the last 4 years. Originally i was going to say PS4 due to how portable they are, but my current build is not too much bigger than a PS4 currently, so its a no brainier for me. #PCMasterRace.
  7. NameCheap's hosting was decent from what i remember.
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