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Everything posted by WWD

  1. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9287-brilliant-discord-integration/ The current version on WebFlake is 1.0.11, which has many issues regarding Discord rate-limiting. The author says he fixed most of these issues in 1.0.12, but it's nowhere to be found on the internet. Is anyone able to provide this version? Many thanks!
  2. @Pleasuree i don’t understand the issue, can you please explain?
    This makes me very happy. Exactly what I was looking for. Many thanks!
  3. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8205-similar-content-on-post-screen I just need someone with an IPS Store account. I will pay for this. If you don't want to reveal your account here, you can send me a PM. Thanks!
  4. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7931-number-of-topics-per-forum Useful in support/study groups boards, this plugin will control the number of open (unlocked) topics that each user group can have in each forum in a specific period ( per hour, per day, per week per month or per year), by adding a new tab on MANAGE FORUMS, listing all groups and allowing enter a number of topics. Settings per forum: Number of topics per group Period: per hour, per day, per week, per month and per year I am willing to pay for this. Thanks!
  5. I finished the entire series in like 2 weeks, last summer, it was so good. 100% recommend, one of the best shows I've ever seen.
  6. Shouldn't have changed from the original tutorial.
  7. I'm picking up from Season 7, rewatching in preparation. Arya is headed for Winterfell, Jon Snow is going to Dragonstone to meet Denarius, and we're only on episode 2! Super excited for season 8.
  8. There's no native IPS way to do either of these things.
  9. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9048-rich-discord-integration Newest version includes some tasty updates... - Creating accounts using Discord, - BugFix, - New screenshots to help with the application installation, - Notifications about new topics on the Discord
    Excellent application - the only one that does the job correctly.
  10. Version 3.0.4


    This plugin provides search form that will search any content with autocomplete functionility and show results with thumbnails for applications: Downloads, Forums (Topic Thumbnail required), Pages, Gallery, Videobox and Musicbox. Settings: Enable/Disable plugin. Permissions for member groups. Max results. Search incomplete words Find results in: Content titles only | Content titles and body Search Mode: OR / AND Set default search type for global page. Show category, author in search results. Demo: http://demo.ipsviet.com Support Topic: https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/428903-bim41-quick-search/
  11. Version 1.2.0


    CJ Duplicate Member Logger Logs members who use multiple accounts on the same computer/browser to access your site. Features: Logs member accounts and possible alts Automatic responses (like PM/AutoBans) ACP/MCP interfaces to view and handle infringers (allows you to ban alts/main account, email, delete alts) Exclude Goups/Members (Exclude groups and Members from being logged) Exclude Members Notes (leave a note about why a member is excluded) NOTE: Requires min php 5.4 and IPS 4.1.4 (due to the use of traits) What's New in Version 1.2.0 Released December 8, 2018 fixed an issue with automatic PM's being sent added inline notifications when a new duplicate is added
  12. It doesn't, it's a stupid application. The only workaround is really just managing the money circulated on the site. Users would pay for products using the application, and you would manually send money given to you to the appropriate user. If not already, I'd suggest a "Seller" class, where those members HAVE to have some payment details on record, so when it's time to pay them, you don't have to hunt down their payment info. You can make this required per-class via Profile Completion settings. Hope that maybe helps!
  13. Could be a multitude of reasons, including the above and bad permissions server misconfiguration, as you migrated database was migrated incorrectly/in wrong format
  14. I don't think anyone understands your question. Please explain more.
  15. Could we please have a link to your forum?
  16. Responded. Fixed. The issue was some broken code in the user's theme file.
  17. Here's the fix: @font-face { font-family: galano, serif; src: url("http://empyrean.ps/assets/fonts/galano.otf") format("opentype"); } to @font-face { font-family: galano; src: url('/assets/fonts/galano.otf') format('opentype'); } Serif was the issue.
  18. Could I have a site URL to look into it?
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