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  1. What expression and how should I use this? Im new in all this so supportive hand would be appreciated. <table> {{$group = {expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( 4 )"};}} {{$members = $group->members();}} <tr> <td></td> </tr> {{foreach $members as $member}} <tr> <td></td> </tr> {{endforeach}} </table> Thats what I tried but it doesnt work at all. Shows ERROR: EX0.
  2. Ok. Will try one more time. I want to make staff roster, something like this, where will be displayed few groups and its members ( see screenshot ). Been searching all around internet but sadlty didn't find anything. Even talking code from staff page gives nothing. Currently using code like this but whenever staff changes I have to update roster manualy and it sux
  3. Blocks? That doesnt help me. I'm not asking to make whole code for me or teach me programming. I know few languages including web dev but never worked with IPS. So far I found how to load an group {{$group = \IPS\Member\Group::load(4);}} but even with a deep search I can't find the way how can I get that groups members. Tried - {{$members = $group->members();}} (found somewhere on google) and then {{foreach $members as $member}} but then it shows a config error (Error: Call to undefined method IPS\Member\Group::members() (0))
  4. As I said before I'm newbie and have no clue how to start. I know only how to load user by knowing his ID or email. There is no examples of how can I load multiple users from specific group and display them in a list
  5. Seems you got me wrong once again. I want to DISPLAY an group members in a table not to make page visiable to that group. I dont really understand how to explain it better. Here is quick look of what I want: <table> <!-- looping thrue group ( id 4 ) members --> <tr> <td>{member name}</td> <td>{member age}</td> <td>{...}</td> </tr> </table> If you still dont get my idea maybe we can contact on skype or discord?
  6. Seems you got me wrong. I have all needed for that but as far as I understand IPS has its own "working with members" and "working with databse" functions and I have no clue how to use them. I need an example of displaying cartain groups in a simple table so I can edit it for my needs
  7. Hey there! Im kinda new in ips arena and dont really understand how things works here. Want to make custom page to display users from specific groups but dont know how. How SELECT and looping works? Cuz as far as i understood </php> doesnt work there.
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