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  1. I was actually taking a look at a second database/forum website, and I noticed that under the admin folder it had that file. In my FTP, /admin folder I do not have a folder at all for that. I have a feeling that, that may be creating the issue here. As I tried searching for it via cpanel ftp, and it said it was able to "find" the file. But when I Attempted to pull it up, it was missing... not sure if someone tempered with it or potentially I removed it at some point due to a mistake. I'm going to assume it was me since I haven't made the website public yet. With that being said. If the file is missing, what should be my next step be. Since you said to delete it and re add it later.... if it's already missing and it's still prompting me to sign in... lol I take it all back, FTP was hiding the files, had to enable them to be shown. Apparently I had changed the username recently and forgotten, once I changed it logged in without a hitch. Thanks for the reply though.
  2. So a while ago I added the 2nd level password or whatever you call it to IPS for the admin cpanel. That would be it here, so when I go to websitename.com/admin that pops up and asks me for my username and password. Typically I would just type in what it required and it would work without a hitch. But now anything I type in there doesn't work. It won't authenticate or anything. I was wondering if there was a way to disable this via ftp or some sort of file I could modify to do that. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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