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  1. GTA IV has that dark atmosphere which I really liked. GTA V is more "colorful"
  2. This is like comparing cheese to meat xD
  3. A remastered Vice City would be very nice to see, or maybe even San Fierro
  4. I do and I works nice. No delay or anything weird
  5. IPB seems to be the more reliable, since it has more support if you mess up something xD
  6. I prefer windows mainly because of games
  7. cyka blyat xD CSGO is better for me, such a classic
  8. Fortnite is better imo because it run well on my system, also it's free xD
  9. Definitely Windows as I game everyday. It's so easy to install a game on Windows
  10. Depends on what you are after.. If you want a system where you know everything if gonna work just fine the iOS is good on that. If you want to customize everything in your phone(like, everything) then Android has many hassle-free tools to do that. I prefer Android because of the liberty you have with the OS.
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