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  1. Prepare for the many apple lovers to be very biased. Personally, I think that Samsung are the best. Even though apples software is made very good and integrates into the hardware very well. Their expandability and features are very little. This is where samsung overtake them. Since you can expand the storage and basically do so much more with their phones
  2. Like years ago, I would just use free anti virus or even just use the default windows defender. However, now I always use Malware Bytes premium since I think that it is the best in my opinion.
  3. I would say that its a split decision. In some ways I love Burger King, But in other ways I love McDonalds. Burger King because of their fries, like they make amazing fries in my opinion. And McDonalds for most other things. Thats only my opinion though ?
  4. Yeah nothing works. Im just going to try to re upload all files
  5. No that doesn't help. Still does the same
  6. The box where you type messages in for annoucements or even posting topics wont open. so I cant type anything into the box. http://prntscr.com/hwgrdh
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