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Ahmad Diab

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About Ahmad Diab

  • Birthday 03/01/1998

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  1. doesn't work, this is the current code: {expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $member->member_group_id-> )->formattedName" raw="true"} when i use the one you suggested it gives me this: http://prntscr.com/rfjm2f
  2. heya, i'm usually someone that likes to explore and find solutions by himself, i'm sick of this tho so i'd appreciate any help. the indicator show effect in "whos online" for example: http://prntscr.com/r6ifwa but on the profile page and hovercard it doesn't: http://prntscr.com/r6ig5r http://prntscr.com/r6igcp i tried to adapt and change the code, i've taken this code from postcontainer but i can't seem to add it to the hovercard nor profile code hovercard code: profile code:
  3. i did, didn't work, still shows same error and the log shows same error
  4. hey! so i get this error only when i use chrome, internet explorer works fine. would appreciate any help
  5. Hey there, I'm currently working on a gaming online marketing community website. I do consider myself decent with PHP, C++, java scripting. I'm looking for someone that's reliable, active and can be trusted. no real preference but i'd prefer someone that's specially good with IPB and HTML. PHP Developer with IPS Experience and front end. we can can talk payment etc on discord, feel free to add me at: Ahmad Diab#3954 thanks in advance xD
  6. heya! so i managed to change the username color according to which group it belongs. but it didn't work in every page. i would appreciate any help, i want to change it also in both of those places: http://prntscr.com/nmc2q9 http://prntscr.com/nmc2zd thanks in advance xD
  7. that was just sad as a liverpool supporter -.- i'm not sure what those players had eaten before the game but they weren't movin durin the game, any barcelona supporters around here? whats your thought on this? me personally i believe something will happen durin the second leg, we'll see tho.
  8. ayee, one piece is surely my top all time lol
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