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Mr. Fury

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Everything posted by Mr. Fury

  1. I believe @Onihad a plugin or app that he built for this - but not sure how active he is.
  2. I mean - honestly, not sure what to say. It should. Every ACP I have been in displays the Administrator option. The only thing I can think of is if you have customized your ACP and it broke the menu, or if you are not the owner of the forum you are on, or in an administrator group that has permissions to edit that. (As in - your user group has ACP restrictions for that menu item enabled).
  3. I am in a position where I might decide to just go with a paid license from IPS. Yes its costly, but whatever. All our money situations are different. Anyway, I currently have a nulled software install of IPS If I purchase IPS, and then apply that license key to the software install that exists already, will I run into any issues? For instance, will they know I have installed a nulled copy and come after me or void out my key? Additionally - if it does work, are there very specific things I must do when applying it? Do I need to then re-install all the forum software as well, or just certain files?
  4. Thanks! I switched hosts, upgraded to PHP 7.3, and now good to go.
  5. Version 3.5.0


    Help fund and grow your forum with donations, setup goals and track member donations. Offer rewards for donations such as group upgrades and donor tags. Features: NEW Support for custom fields with donations. NEW UI tab and widget improvements and enhancements. Option to automatically demote a member back to his original member group x days after there donation. Option to mark goals as achieved and remove them from listing after they have reached 100% donations. Option to create goals that are continuous and have no set end date. RSS feeds for latest donations and latest goals listings. Ability to track the individual status of each goal as members choose to donate to there preferred goals. Setup fixed donation amounts a member can donate or let the member choose the amount. This includes a minimum donation amount allowed. Group permissions for who can view the donation tracker, view goals, view donations and for who can donate. All payment data is logged including successful and unsuccessful attempts on the payment function. New discussion topic created for each new successful donation. Ability to track the top donors in the view top donors page. Payment gateways included are: Paypal, Skrill, Payza (Alert Pay), Offline Payments and Paymentwall.
  6. Sounds good - Yeah, I'm working with Oni on it- and while I've semi-successfully been able to verbalize and provide rudimentary MS paint "sketches" and mockups of the skin and visuals of how it works, being able to provide a working demo of the custom applications I am wanting made would be VERY helpful since I have all the files/code able to make it work on IPB 1.3 - the difficulty is finding a downloadable install of IPB 1.3 to get them loaded on to. Hahaha.
  7. That's my intent - I have a subdomain ready to install 1.3.1 on that will be blocked off to the public - and only myself and the developer will be able to view it. Then they can see the mods in action on the old forum software, and get an idea of the function to translate that over to IPS 4.5 on my main forum/site.
  8. I know this is a long shot - but if anyone has an IPB 1.3.1 install, that would be a HUGE deal for me. I am running on 4.5, but I have some custom mods for IPB 1.3.1 that I am working to get rebuilt for IPS 4.5, and wish to install and have a temporary display demo of these mods so the developer has a good idea of what they are and how the function. They're pretty complex, so just verbalizing it all is difficult to do.
  9. I get this error when attempting to update to IPS from 4.2 Is this potentially anything to do with my PHP version I am running on the site - my host only allows up to PHP 7.2, which is quite absurd since 7.3 is over two years old, but anyway - that's the only thing I can think of. However, from what I understood is IPS 4.5 recommends 7.2, but that it would still work on 7.2; maybe I'm wrong?
  10. Does anyone else find the interesting thriller/sci-fi blend of the story of Wanda Vision to be a bit of a nice change for the MCU? I think it's nice to get a story that feels a bit more story and character driven, that isn't just focused on really cool CGI action scenes. I also like the thriller and mystery bit of the show and how it keeps you on edge for each episode. Definitely a good show!
  11. Anyone have any thoughts on the long term viability of DOGECOIN? I know it's on an upswing right now, but let's be honest - Elon Musk has kind of pumped it up with his tweets. It has the benefit of being stupid cheap, so it could have good upswing on the short term, but I would love to hear some thoughts on it.
  12. Anyone here a fellow r/wallstreetbets trader? Anyone still holding $GME? Hahaha.
  13. Out of curiosity, was there ever a SDK released by Invision for IPB 3.4.6 or 3.4.X? I know there is one for the current builds, but I don't ever remember one and I don't remember one for earlier versiouns (2 or 1.3). Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. This post falls under both a support request since I don't know if it even exists, and then a file request - if it does, and anyone has it, I would kindly request assistance in obtaining it. Thank you!
  14. Hello everyone. I actually joined about three years ago when I was in the process of trying to overhaul my website/forum from IPB 1.3 into a newer version. Yes - I was using 1.3 in 2017. Life hit, I moved abroad - and my site took a massive backseat. Well here I am now - back at it to get my pet project done. I am glad this community is still here though. I can't say I'm very valuable to the community for my prowess with programming, however I have joined the Discord and look to hopefully stick around here for the community discussion aspects. COVID sucks, and it's always good to chat with people while we're all locked down from the world lol.
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