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Veka Mcp

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Veka Mcp last won the day on October 25 2018

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  1. I hope your personal problems are solved. That is the most important thing.
  2. I need to purchase an application from the Invision app store. If any of you have access and can make the purchase, you can contact me by PM. Thanks
  3. Anyone with access to this app? Competitions (Previously Photo Competition) 1.4.3
  4. Hi, I need to buy a plugin and an app from Invision IPS Market Place. I wanted to know if you still have access to the store, and if you can buy what I need. I tried to contact you by PM, but you must have a full mailbox because it won't let me send it, and I don't have Disscord either. How could we do it? Thank you and I look forward to your reply
  5. I need to find some version of the (MIX) Advanced Reaction Settings add-on , between versions 1.1.4 and 1.1.7. I have an older version, for IPS 4.3, but it does not work in version 4.4. I need a new version to be able to update my IPS installation, as it is an add-on that we use a lot in my community. The version I have was ordered from a member of this forum, but it is no longer responsive, and I can't find a way to upgrade.
  6. Solved. I was using a download manager -IDM- And that caused multiple calls to the server, which the system counts as multiple downloads. I have disabled IDM and everything is back to normal. I can now download my ten files again.
  7. Hi friends. I have a problem with the download limit. According to my user level -Frost-, I could do up to ten downloads a day, but the system does not allow me to do more than three. You can help me? Thank you and excuse my poor English
  8. If you can explain how it is done, I would be very grateful. Regards.
  9. Version 1.0.3


    This plugin will set a cover photo if the user doesn't have one. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8096-default-cover-photo/
  10. Hi. It is already possible to preserve the translations of the applications by downloading the language file, or by means of a plugin that allows exporting the translations of the applications, but not finding a way to export the translations of the plugins. I need to know if there is any way to export the translations of the plugins. I have several translated plugins and I would like to keep the translations for use in another project it's possible? How can this be done?
  11. Version 1.0


    Complete Spanish translation of the Invision Community Suite Español: Este paquete contiene la traducción completa al 100% de la Suite Invision Community. Traducción al español de las aplicaciones incluidas en la versión 4.3.x de Invisión Community: Sistema (Incluída la administración completa) Blog Calendario Comercio Convertidor Descargas Foros Galería Páginas El paquete contiene dos archivos .zip cuyo nombre y contenido es el siguiente: "Español (Hispano)-Toda la suite en 1 archivo.zip" - Traducción completa de toda la Suite Invision en un solo archivo de idioma. "Español (Hispano) - En 9 archivos de sistema y aplicaciones.zip" - Traducción completa de toda la Suite Invision, dividida en los archivos correspondientes a cada aplicación oficial de la Suite (para aquellas personas que no tengan instaladas todas las aplicaciones). Nota: Algunas frases han sido traducidas empleando el traductor automático de Google Translator, por lo que es posible que presenten pequeños errores gramaticales que espero poder corregir en futuras versiones. ******* English: This package contains the complete translation to 100% of the Invision Community Suite. Translation into Spanish of the applications included in version 4.3.x of Invisión Community: System core (including full administration) Blog Calendar Commerce Converter Downloads Forums Gallery Pages The package contains two .zip files whose name and content is as follows: "Español (Hispano)-Toda la suite en 1 archivo.zip" - Complete translation of the entire Invision Suite in a single language .xml file. "Español (Hispano) - En 9 archivos de sistema y aplicaciones.zip" - Complete translation of the entire Invision Suite, divided into the files corresponding to each official application of the Suite (for those people who do not have all the applications installed). Note: Some phrases have been translated using the automatic translator of Google Translator, so it is possible that they present small grammatical errors that I hope to correct in future versions.
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