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Everything posted by Kalota

  1. Had a copy of IPB a while ago from here and something dodgy happened, Got a call form my server manager saying that the domain name is used to spam net/netflex-xxx/3D/master/flowGlobal_wflowCNCE_jsession_master.phpnet/ netflex-xxx/congratulations.php net/netflex-xxx/Warning.php?gnupg_verify=6c615f4299600600b1222c545a1fbc5c And many more. How this could be possible?
  2. Hi Guys, I am looking or a kind of software taht can auto install a script in order to offer trials to new clients, it should work with Plesk panel, the think is i have a few scripts and i would like to offer to the public, and i need something to auto install and create a demo for potential clients? anyone can give me a recommendation? Thanks
  3. Hi, it is possible to modify the user registration date? let's say backdate the actual registration date? Thank you
  4. Hi All, I have attempt numerous times to delete/hide taman copyright but nothing works, editing the .js file will keep it away for a day and looks like the next day it appear again, i have also deleted the whole code and next day it coming back like it restart to the original code everyday no mater what you change. This is very tricky
    Thanks, tested with 4.4 latest works great. 5*
    Looks like works good with 4.4 Thanks for sharing
    Works brilliant, no issues, Thanks for sharing
  5. :)) You can have it now for free, I was just asking if anyone have it as i wondered to test it, otherwise i was buying it without asking
  6. Version


    About This File Linked Accounts allows your members to link one or more accounts then quickly switch between them. You have a full range of options about which usergroups can use the Linked Accounts system and which usergroups cannot be linked to. The POST AS feature allows the user with linked accounts to create/reply to a topic using a Linked Account. Each action is logged so you can keep a track of what linked account users do. The Linked Accounts system could be useful for fan fiction forums, roleplaying forums, or just those of you with multiple accounts (e.g, John Doe, Administrator, Forum News). Notes: Linked Accounts is integrated to Login system of IPS4, so to control the number of failed logins, Reset failed login count (minutes) on ACP -> Login Handlers -> Login Settings. This version contains an upgrader, so you can keep on using accounts created on this app for IP.Board 3.4.
  7. Looks like nobody have this plugin, anyway Happy New Year to all "Flake's"
  8. Hi, thanks for quick replay, I am looking after this sort of plugin https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7708-linked-accounts-post-as/ Or something similar where i can switch through accounts
  9. Hello to everyone, I am looking after Linked Accounts apps, if anyone there have it and want to share i will be very grateful. Thanks
    Great app, thanks for sharing, an update will be highly appreciated.
  10. Kalota

    IPS Home page

    Well, what I was looking for is to implement a html website interface as a home page using IPB header navigation and footer, then obviously add ling through the website to parts of the IPB core applications. now, is easy to integrate IPB header and footer to an html website? or is easier to add html website into the IPB page functionality ( and how ) Much appreciated.
  11. Kalota

    IPS Home page

    Hi Marian, i have already the pages, but ...
  12. Kalota

    IPS Home page

    Anyone can give some advise how to build a home page like IPS website? or anyone interested to create that for a fee? Thanks
  13. almost 1 year or so i believe :) one of the best so far
  14. Mi mistake, i was trying to install the XENFORO cometchat :)) Works great no issues # This is for XENFORO, if you want for IPB check with @unknoweb
  15. Hi, Thanks for upload, but have the same issue, done as it says but get the 500 error unzip, opened cometchat_V6.9.12_Platinium/ moved cometchat folder to root/ gone to mysite/cometchat/install.php and get the 500
    Thanks for sharing, works like a charm
  16. Version 2.0.7


    About This File This plugin will allow users to choose groups in register form during registration process OR on Account Settings, if their groups are allowed to. Admin will set up which groups will be available in registration screen/account settings. IMPORTANT NOTICES: The registration group/change of group on Account Settings will not be saved IF any attempt of exploit (try to change the Group ID) is detected. An error message will be displayed instead. It is designed to work ONLY on default IPS 4.X registration screen. It doesn't support social network registration (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Compatible with Commerce, UNLESS you use the setting Move customer into group on a product/package in registration screen. In this case, the group chosen on Commerce will OVERRIDE the group chosen by the user in this plugin. Pay attention to this item!
  17. Version 2.1.2


    About This File This plugin will allow admins to choose which user groups will be able to use and view each Profile Field. All groups, by default, will be able to use any Profile Field. Users from groups that are not selected on field settings will not be able to view and fill the field on his profile. Usage: Go to Members -> Profiles -> Profile Fields. Edit or create a new Profile Field. You will notice two new fields: Allowed Groups: choose which user groups you want their users to FILL the field. Visible to: choose which user groups you want their users to VIEW the field in profile/posts. Admins and the profile owner will be able to view all profile fields.
    Nice plugin, few bugs but manage to sort quickly thanks
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