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  1. @Head Guru The box isnt showing up still. Do you have teamspeak? or discord I have checked all the forum and group perms. still not working
  2. you did it. lol thx @Head Guru
  3. @Head Guru I have done all the guy says to upgrade. Ive changed the perms to 777 on the directoty but its giving me this error when i try to upgrade.
  4. ok i have the last time. Well i had the administrator rank so i could override everything so i could type anyway. Also with upgrading to the new version do I just replace the current files with the new files and it should be all good to upgrade @Head Guru
  5. upgrading to the new version @Head Guru
  6. I've just reinstall the forums. no plugins straight bare ass forums. Still doing it. this version is 4.3.6
  7. but i can use the test box but no else can. I have checked all the perms on the groups and the forum perms
  8. Text Box doesnt show up to post a new topic. I have never had this issue. Please help asap.
  9. Im just watching little clips. It would take to long to watch it all from the start. It helps causes i started watching the whole season in November
  10. kreece

    IPB or Xenforo

    IPB is better. more plugins:}
  11. glad to see my topic being answered. lol
  12. Hey Guys, I just want to know how long have you guys been a member with webflake for? I've been a member since May of 2017.
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