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  1. So an interesting issue I've come across. First off I apologize if this has been asked before but I couldn't find anything in the answered questions. So today I added a moderator, I limited their permissions to have no access whatsoever, every box is unticked. Yet for some reason, they can still edit any post on the forums and access the Moderator CP. The idea for this moderator is to be able to edit and lock topics in general discussion. This is how I've set it up to test, this works just fine. However, the moderator can still edit any post on the website for some reason. This was tested with a new account, a new user group, and a new set of moderator rules. I haven't had time to make a new test installation to see if that's the issue. I'll attempt that sometime tonight or tomorrow when I have time. Just hoping someone else has already run into this problem and has come up with a solution. Thanks IP Board Version 4.3.6
  2. Why not both? Gotta get the best of both worlds right? *Hannah Montana intro music starts playing*
  3. Naw man, not today, not even. Idk how this thread has survived so long xD
  4. Ah, I checked around and I didn't see that thread. Thanks for the help! Issue resolved
  5. Recently I did a fresh install of IPS 4.3, and I noticed that whenever I search members in the ACP it doesn't actually search for them. It just displays all members for some odd reason. Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/jrj6mc I noticed that the top search bar of the ACP will return the members, however the side search bar will not.
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