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mr-pimpen last won the day on June 2 2024

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  1. Are you using a nulled copy of IPS?
  2. you dont need to do that its ya coding you are doing that would cause that try putting the default theme and see if it comes back or disable your plugins see witch one it is
  3. what part of the posbit are you trying to do the name there is a code for that
  4. look on your server and see if you have mod securty on if you do turn it off and try it again that could be one issue if the them is out dated than you will get some issue with it'
  5. mr-pimpen

    XF 2.0 Editor Css

    For the following result: Dump the following into Extra.less: /* Editor */ .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-eraser { color: #A3CE71 } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-bold { color: #FB724B; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-italic { color: #FCD872; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-text-size { color: #EC7EBD; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-palette { color: #F35369; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-font { color: #F35349; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-strikethrough { color: #e4e4c6; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-underline { color: #07f7f7; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-terminal { color: #1f1fea; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-mask { color: #bb43ee; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-list { color: #6BCEBB; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-align-left { color: #8C72CB; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-paragraph { color: #54C7EC; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-link { color: #6BCEBB; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-image { color: #A3CE71; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-smile { color: #FB724B; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-photo-video { color: #d61f22; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-quote-right { color: #FBDF4B; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-table { color: #B3FB4B; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-minus { color: #4B7FFB; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-eye-slash { color: #B12B2B; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-code { color: #EE8B21; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-minus-octagon { color: #EEEB21; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-undo { color: #54A05C; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-redo { color: #729CD3; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-brackets { color: #D372C8; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-save { color: #A67678; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-file-search { color: #20B5D7; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn .fa-ellipsis-v { color: #20B5D7; } .fr-toolbar .fr-command.fr-btn i {color: #A3CE71;} I added the Credits button to for those who use it.
  6. I definitely agree on the cheaters. COD never seems to fix anything with there shitty anti-cheat. Its sad that fortnite has a better ant-cheat then COD, and COD is been a game longer then Fortnite. Its just pathetic at this point.
  7. Merry christmas, Glad to be apart of this wonderful community. I want to wish everyone a merry christmas and happy new years.
  8. this dont work for me so i used it as a ribbon
  9. Version 1.0.0


    this was tested and works 100% Allows users to purchase custom styling for username and banner. Features: Setting custom CSS for username and banner Setting custom banner text Adding preset styles for username and banner Options: Default banner text Maximum banner text length If the value is equal to zero, the user will not be able to edit the style of the banner and its text Payment profile Custom style cost Discount on second and subsequent purchases New cost Discount (as a percentage) on the price of the first purchase Permissions: View custom style page (preview) Add custom style Limit on the number of added custom styles Time limit on editing custom styles Bypass purchase Administrator permissions: Manage presets
  10. Happy Thanksgiving, I hope yall had an amazing time with family and what not. I had a great time!
  11. mr-pimpen

    Question I Can't review

    its not on your end it on webflaks they have to look into that issue
  12. what was the last plug in you installed if any! you might want to disable all your pluging first and see if thats the case if not is there some typ of code you put in your theme
  13. Just want to say Happy Halloween everyone. Make sure not to eat too much candy. Halloween is a beautiful day and is my favorite of the month So make sure to check all candy as well. But other then that make sure to eat that snickers bar or even that beautiful tasty reeses.
  14. Is anyone planning on playing the new call of duty MW3. I played the beta and its alright but I doubt its gonna be really good. I just feel they are gonna destroy the game. The only thing that was fun about the game was MW2 maps. other than that the issue is the movement.
  15. you need to check and see if you have mod securty is enable if so you will need to disable that and it should work
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