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Isabel last won the day on December 10 2017

Isabel had the most liked content!


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  1. Are you sure that you are not wrong to search for the text to be translated? I understand that the text to be translated is not "React to this post to see hidden content" but
  2. Isabel

    Question "Search" box gone?

    Hi guys, I don't see the "Search" box anymore ... Is it my problem or did you voluntarily remove it?
  3. It does not work on hovercard but for Profile Posts Comments Who's Online Members
  4. No, not the login: I would like to prevent users from "following content anonymously". When you click on the "Follow" button in a topic, the popup you see in the screen above will open, where you have the option to show / hide to other users, that you are following that topic. I wish users could not do it anonymously
  5. Hi guys, do you know if it is possible, in ACP, to prevent users from following content anonymously? I have looked in ACP but unfortunately I have not found the solution Is there a possibility?
  6. Thank you very much, your suggestion is really useful: I had searched in the group settings without success but in fact I had not searched in the permissions button (padlock) ?
  7. Hi guys, I have only one information that I ask those of you who know the IPS world well: do you know if there is the possibility of preventing certain groups of users from downloading the attachments even if in the topics, the latter have been uploaded by the staff?
  8. I used the service it offers, and I found myself very well: the purchase was made without problems and therefore I am very satisfied Thanks ?
  9. I didn't know there was a list of verified users, sorry
  10. I am willing to pay it at full price ... But I need someone who is licensed to do it
  11. Forgive my ignorance but I use a translator for the English language and I cannot understand your message: is it a yes or a no? ?
  12. Just nobody with a good heart?
  13. Hi guys, I'm looking for someone with an active license who can buy a plugin in the Marketplace for me I pay with Paypal
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