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Everything posted by Hagiali

  1. Hi and Welcome back! I saw some applications/plugins used in WB attach pic, and if someone can help with some advices: 1. Points progress bar 2. How can i add members Language? Found it, but no idea how to add the icon before "Language" 3.Hot to change "Joined time" with "X YEARS OF SITE" PS. I use Fluent Design Theme too.
  2. Thanks for the infos! Looks like I need a coder to fix it and I'm willing to pay. And I have another custom application that I need to be updated. If there are any coders available please contact me on discord at ingame#1083 Until the fix, I need to downgrade to 4.4.10. i hope will be easy ?
  3. Hi, After I upgraded to 4.5.2 I have a problem with VK.com Login Handler 3.0.0 print with error http://prntscr.com/umkh59 Thanks for any hints to fix it.
  4. Both, but Coca are a bit better
  5. A fix for this old version will be great.
    Tried everthing but plugin is not shown http://prntscr.com/n6ung3
  6. Hello. After upgrade to 4.4.1 I have this error with Donations 3.3.0 Error: Undefined constant 'IPS\HTMLENTITIES' (0) #0 /home/ringam48/public_html/pp/system/Helpers/Table/Db.php(418): IPS\donate\modules\admin\donations\_donations->IPS\donate\modules\admin\donations\{closure}(0, Array) #1 /home/ringam48/public_html/pp/system/Helpers/Table/Table.php(484): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Db->getRows(NULL) #2 /home/ringam48/public_html/pp/applications/donate/modules/admin/donations/donations.php(183): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Table->__toString() #3 /home/ringam48/public_html/pp/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\donate\modules\admin\donations\_donations->manage() #4 /home/ringam48/public_html/pp/applications/donate/modules/admin/donations/donations.php(30): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #5 /home/ringam48/public_html/pp/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\donate\modules\admin\donations\_donations->execute() #6 /home/ringam48/public_html/pp/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #7 {main} Is there a way to fix it? thanks for any hints
  7. I had same issue like you and I solved like that: 1. In .htaccess set/update to AddType application/x-httpd-php72 .php 2. In Cpanel/Select php version, you must have the right php version, not 7.0 http://prntscr.com/mwozz1
  8. lighting themes aren't for games
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