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Frosti last won the day on October 2 2021

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  1. Version 2.2.4


    This is the first style we ever released on XenForo. Over the years we've improved the look and built it upon the XenBase framework. You can easily change the primary color and backgrounds to better suit your community.
  2. Version 2.2.4


    Apex is a lightweight dark style using only CSS backgrounds and minimal images for icons. Easily change the dominant blue color within the color palette to what you like. Apex comes packed with options included in the parent style XenBase. Enjoy not having to install add-ons or do some of the most popular template edits. Makes changes simply by enabling the options you want, no extra overhead as great care was taken to make sure only the needed CSS or HTML is called properly.
  3. Do you mean Product-News? Could be build in RSS Feeds. And the Design is Customized for sure.
  4. Hi, Is there a Banlist Addon for IPS? When a User is banned he get`s a striketrough Username + on a Banlist with the Nickname, Ban-Reason and Country, visible for everyone. This would be a usefull Addon. Thanks for any Answer!!
  5. The XML File, which you are installing later in the Forum. Otherwise, send me the latest Version from this Addon (if you have it), and the Changes, and i can do it for you if you want.
  6. I searched in the File also. I am not sure if this (Give reaction to this post to see the hidden content) is what you are looking for:
  7. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9614-awesome-forum-icons/ Please share it, if anyone have this Addon. Otherwise we can buy it .... 50/50 >> shoot me a Message.
  8. There is this Flag as Spammer Button, which can also use Moderators. You can change the Settings in the ACP. Settings>Members>Spam Prevention.
  9. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8551-enhanced-user-info-panel/ Would be nice if someone have it ... ?
  10. Good Morning Guys, I found Cleantalk on Google, and purchased 1 Year with the Addon for StopBadWords and CountryBlacklist and so. Is it possible to remove the CleanTalk Copyright from the Error Message? Or should i leave it as it is? Like this: I found nothing in the Settings. Just this: Even when i unclick this Option, the "Antispam by Cleantalk" stays. Thank you very much for any Help!!
  11. Hi Guys, Not really a Tutorial, but i searched a lot in Google to keep the Icons bright / remove this Grey Effect from the Icons, and now i found it. Maybe someone could need that: By default, forum icons have a greyscale filter applied if there are no new topics. To remove this effect, add the following to custom.css /* Remove greyscale effect from forum icons */ .focus-member .ipsItemStatus.ipsItemStatus_large.ipsItemStatus_read, .focus-member .ipsItemStatus_custom.ipsItemStatus_read{ filter: none; } ?
  12. @Kaneko Sayami get + customized me some nice Forum Badges, and helped me out with other Questions. Very cool and friendly Dude! ?
  13. Hello Guys, thx for the Interest, but @Jrock helped me with both already. This can be closed. ?
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