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About Weed

  • Birthday April 7

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. Got it to work now. Thanks guys
  2. got a huge database but host wont import it anyone know how i can get curtain tables from it ?
  3. Hit 100 posts yey haha

  4. Need a XBL 48hr trial :(

    1. Yuu


      Do the unlimited 48 hour method. That's what I do when I'm out of Live.

    2. Weed
  5. XBL Perma banned for no reason! :(

    1. Weed


      I have done but apparently I have been Offering to trade Xbox LIVE or in-game services for Microsoft Points or money when i never have done

    2. Weed


      Make a new one :D but the thing is ive only just put 12M gold on that account :( im not buying another yet

    3. Pax


      Or... just get a Ps3:D

  6. Getting close to a 100 posts again :)

  7. install 3.3.4 then upload the database then upgrade to 3.4.3 - easiest way to put it
  8. Total Members 4,321 i remember when we hit that number never again!

  9. Weed

    Forum Saction


    Image shown might be a little different than what it is as its my old export om my custom skin To change the baneer it is in the ccs under ipb_styles Original Skin Called Animate by [url="http://www.ipbforumskins.com./"]ipbforumskins.com[/url] With my changes
  10. More skin fixes and skins coming soon

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