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buddylove last won the day on December 10 2020

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  1. buddylove

    GTA 5?

    GTA V is the most real game :D
  2. you can post anything
  3. Version 1.0.1


    Activity stream entries for the Pages app look rather dull compared to entries from other apps. This plugin improves that. If you use the record image field for your Pages databases, the images for each entry will show in Activity Streams for new records and optionally comments and reviews. What’s needed: IPS 4.3 in its most recent version with the Pages application
  4. Version 1.0.2


    The is a bundle of small layout tweaks I use on my own community sites to change the look of the forums app. I turned them into a plugin so I and anyone else can use them easily without any manual changes to the theme code. The main feature is a forum listing change, which puts the users into focus with large avatar images of the person creating the topic and the last poster. I’ve seen this on a community website once and it instantly convinced me. Instantly showing the people behind the posts makes the topics more personal and users are more likely to answer this way. I also added a few other tweaks, which I find useful or which people have asked for in this community. Demo 1: Typography.Guru Demo 2: Typografie.info What’s needed: IPS 4.3/.4.4 in their most recent versions. Detailed Feature/Settings Description: Turn the avatar mode for desktop views on or off. Avatar size. mini, small or medium. Remove last poster column from index. A cleaner look and faster loading of the index page. Dim inaccessible forums. Shows forums which can be seen but not opened with 50% opacity. Dim forum description. Shows the forum descriptions with less contrast so the titles stand out more. Remove headline from index. Removes the H1 “Forums” headline if you don’t need it. Remove tags. Removes the tags from the forum listing views. Creates a much cleaner look. More feature might be added over time. Feel free to suggest forum layout tweaks in the support topic. Compatibility: Should work fine with forums using the stock theme or themes close to the stock theme. I cannot guarantee it will work on heavily modified themes. Third-party apps/plugins should still be able to change or inject content in the affected forum views. I tested a few like Topic Thumbnails or Best Answer on Discussion Forums and they continue to work. Again, there can be no guarantee that there will be no conflicts with third-party apps/plugins, which change the same theme files as this plugin.
  5. Version 1.0.2


    A dark template for the latest version of IPS 4.3.x, which has a very advanced configuration in the ACP (including a top in the style of fixed, changing the display of the subforum, layout of the header and other visible in the gallery), which allows you to adapt it to every requirement. This theme is fully responsive.
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