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  1. I solved this so anyone else that needs help ... // Initialize IPS4 Framework require_once( '../init.php' ); // Indicate that we should consider this a front-end session so we can obtain the currently logged in users information. \IPS\Session\Front::i(); // Fetch member details $setting = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->profileFields(); // display name if($setting['core_pfieldgroups_4']['core_pfield_15'] != '') { $nick = $setting['core_pfieldgroups_4']['core_pfield_15']; } else { $nick = "Chatter-%25"; } // chat password $nickpass = $setting['core_pfieldgroups_4']['core_pfield_16'];
  2. Back in 3.3.x the code below allowed me to integrate irc chat into ipboard. Members had two custom profile fields one for storing their irc nick and one that stored their irc password. I upgraded to IPS4 recently and this connection no longer works. Has anyone mastered ips4 development enough to convert the code below so that it would work with the newest version? require_once( '../initdata.php' ); require_once( '../admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php' ); $registry = ipsRegistry::instance(); $registry->init(); // Fetch member details $member = $registry->member()->fetchMemberData(); // display name if($member['field_15'] != '') { $nick = $member['field_15']; } else { $nick = "chatter-%25"; } $nickpass = $member['field_16']; Sure would appreciate an easy answer (Don't we all?) Thanks for taking the time to read this question.
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