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Everything posted by Dane

  1. Hi guys, do you have any tutorials/tips/tricks about making applications or plugins on ips ?
  2. steam: "-applaunch 10 +connect ip" ? Or program-name://connect/
  3. This worked for the profile photo but how should i make it , to display the name too (not on profile photo)
  4. That's a custom footer. <div style="display:inline-block;"> <a href="https://forum.gg-hub.com/profile/1-skip-the-dragon/" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="https://forum.gg-hub.com/profile/1-skip-the-dragon/?do=hovercard" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_tiny" title="{lang="email_go_to_x_profile" sprintf="$memberid ='1'->name"}" id="ips_uid_16_8" style="display:inline-block;"> <img src="https://forum.gg-hub.com/uploads/monthly_2017_06/1noavatar.thumb.png.b4ac0e2db13f45e197e14cdce6117e07.png" alt="Skip The Dragon" itemprop="image" > </a> <ul class="ft_ul"> <li><a href="https://forum.gg-hub.com/profile/1-skip-the-dragon/" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="https://forum.gg-hub.com/profile/1-skip-the-dragon/?do=hovercard&referrer=https%253A%252F%252Fforum.gg-hub.com%252F" title="{lang="email_go_to_x_profile" sprintf="$member->name"}" class="ipsType_break" id="ips_uid_16_9"><h3 class="skip">Skip The Dragon (i want this to pe replaced with the member name that has id 1)</h3></a></li> <li><span class="ft_fondator">Founder (I want to replace his group aswell) </span></li> </ul> </div>
  5. I'm trying to get the founder name (usually id 1 ) , to update every time i change my name and photo and for that i need a code to get from member_id,and from member_id his name SHORT(idk if it's short): Getting from user with id 1 his name an photo automatically Sorry, i can't explain better now, it 3:10 am in my country, and i barely slept these days
  6. Hi guys, in advice sorry for the dumb question How can i select a member name where his id is 1 (i want to use it in sprintif) {lang="email_go_to_x_profile" sprintf="$member->name"} (i know it's not even close, i've just let it be bcs it wouldn't show me nothing in %s)
  7. What did you do for 50 euro? The domain could cost 1 dollar from go daddy,
  8. Try what @Cookie Monster said, if that doesn't'work check console log
  9. Ohh, that's the place where i didn't look up , lol , thanks and sorry for the post
  10. Hi again guys, (i don't really know how to explain this but i will try) I want for every 5 replies in my topic to have another page for it For example: I don't know if is a plugin or option i didn't find it on google/webflake/ips community I've created here 24 topics and didn't get an 2nd page (i will remove the link later if is a problem)
  11. Thanks for the lesson! It's ok to start with step 5 ? :))
  12. Still not working {{foreach $row->stats(FALSE) as $k => $v}} {{endforeach}} and if i add these the page stops working too.
  13. I don't think i can make it work in anyway. just displays 0 on any topic
  14. I've installed a similar topics mod, edited it , and now i want to add topic views and replies on topics
  15. Moving views and replies Hi again guys, do you know the code for views and replies from topicRow(i don't know if i'm right)
  16. I've made it this way: <li class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone aupBorder' style="text-align:left;padding-left:10px"> <hr id="hr"> <span class='aupTitle'><i class="fa fa-id-card-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> {lang="Member ID"}:</span> <span class='aupContent textright' >{$comment->author()->member_id}</span> <br> <span class='aupTitle '><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> {lang="Content_Count"}:</span> <span class='aupContent textright'>{lang="member_post_count" pluralize="$comment->author()->member_posts"}</span> <br> <span class='aupTitle'><i class="fa fa-calendar-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> {lang="joined"}:</span> <span class='aupContent textright'>{datetime="$comment->author()->joined" dateonly="true"}</span> <br> <span class='aupTitle'><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> {lang="members_days_won_count"}:</span> <span class='aupContent'>{number="$comment->author()->getReputationDaysWonCount()"}</span> <br> <span class='aupTitle'><i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up" aria-hidden="true"></i> {lang="Total_Rep"}:</span> <span class='aupContent'>{template="reputationBadge" group="global" app="core" params="$comment->author()"}</span> </li> I think you still need the plugin for images "Advanced User Info Panel"
  17. yea, you are right about overwriting but do you have any solution? this is my postContainer if it helps..
  18. The plugin changes only postcontiner, and i added the code for g_icons and it doesn't change anything
  19. Ohh, yea i use Advanced User Info Panel", and i uploaded them
  20. I mean the member icons like Jr moderator, member , Administrator etc. https://webflake.sx/uploads/themes/monthly_2015_10/Badge2JuniorModerator.png.5c92deeec701dae91083cfb7bf4f9a90.png.pagespeed.ce.wGELBZY--H.png
  21. I do have the code in postcontiner but it doesn't appear on topic, and i uploaded group icons for every group
  22. Group icon on forum Hi guys, can you tell me how do i add group icons on my topic page? I know there was a topic about this but i tried what they said here and it didn't worked I tried to copy the code from profile page What do i have: What i want:
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