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About deehmoraes

  • Birthday 11/23/2001

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  1. This is not a valid color. Please enter a hexadecimal number. I enter the hexadecimal value, but this does not resolve.
  2. Just have the exclamation point in the name "Origin" Can you help me with Discord, cookie? I'll give you the forum data. @Cookie Monster
  3. I can not leave a theme as default, after installed, I try to put it as default and this message appears even with all the tabs checked. How can I solve this?
  4. I need help. Topics and forums are weird in version 4.2 How can I solve this problem? Thanks to whom to help.
  5. I got it, I was having trouble finding the postContainer, thank you very much for helping! ^^
  6. I added the above code in custom.css with the dimensions I wanted, however, the image does not stay in the resolution I want and also looks like this: http://prntscr.com/exm1g1 How can I solve? Thanks ^^
  7. I'll create an administrator account and send it to you by Discord, then tell me where you needed to edit. Thanks ^^
  8. It worked correctly the code to increase a cover photo! ^^ I now need the correct code to increase the avatar
  9. In this post have the used code: My custom.css of dimension theme: /** * This file is for your custom CSS. * This file is not modified or overwritten during upgrades */ body[data-pagemodule="forums"][data-pagecontroller="index"] .ipsType_pageTitle{ display: none } #elLicenseKey { display: none; } #elProfileHeader { height: 500 px; } The height value is only test, however, not results. ;-;
  10. Cover Photo and Large Avatar in Post Hello, I have two doubts. The first: I want to know if it is possible to leave the forum with the cover photo bigger, to appear another image. Http://prnt.sc/exjl4e I also have another question regarding the bigger avatar, I put the script in costum.css and it does not work. Can anyone explain me in detail how to do this? Thanks to anyone who can help. ^^
  11. Items in the menu Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to put new items with a custom name and a redirect in the menu. Thanks to anyone who can help! Http://prnt.sc/ewwgr0
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