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Everything posted by Rezurrected

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Easily remove Sidebar in Store. Just enable or disable it by editing the plugin.
  2. Version 2.0.1


    - Quick fix for 4.2 Beta 5
  3. Version 1.0.11


    Small Widget to show a list of online users on a Rocket.Chat server. Intended to be used along with the OAuth Server application that allows to login in a Rocket.Chat server using the forum credentials. Instructions: download the .tar file upload into the Applications in your AdminCP use the block edit mode to add the new widget, use the edit button to add the rocket.chat server url (no / at the end!) and a user that can access the RESPT API The Widget was tested on Rocket.Chat: 0.56.0 IPB: PHP: 7.0.18 (should work with older versions as well, no fancy stuff used) OAuth2: 1.2.4 The rocket.chat username in this scenario will match the member name in the forum, so some nice profile links are possible. Currently no caching is setup for the widget (if you have a bigger forum this will matter) - have not yet figured out how to configure the widget cache
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Classifieds Delete Account 2.0.0 Easy Popup 1.1.7 Featured Content 4.1.28 Mass PM 2.0.0 My Places 1.3.2 Newsletter 2.2.0 PM Viewer 1.0.4 Quizzes 1.0.3 =============== Для русскоговорящих клиентов (For Russian speaking users) Полноценный перевод популярных приложений для IPS4. Пока частичный перевод других приложений - https://invisionbyte.ru/services/translateapps/ Вы можете помочь русскоязычному сообществу в переводе приложений. Подробнее. Спасибо за использование нашего перевода :).
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This is a simple plugin that removes all references to the members group names on the public side of the suite. There's a for setting groups that should always be visible, and one for selecting groups that can see all group names. I believe I've covered all areas where the members group name, or group formatting, is used. If you find places I've missed, do let me know.
  6. Yes it's possible, you just have to go on the Menu Manager and after add what ever you want.
  7. Version 1.2.0


    A new update was released for this file.
  8. Version 0.1.1


    Server Console Simple Application to observe multiply servers and bigger infrastructures. The application was basically written that I can keep track of all my servers, without having different pages for monitoring, backups and so on. Features: Frequent checks if a server is online/offline and also getting some information, such as: CPU Usage CPU Load RAM Usage (free/total/percentage) DISK Usage (free/total/percentage) Uptime Block/Widget that users can see the status of the servers as well Dedicated Front Page to observe the status Maintenance mode for servers As this is only an early development a lot things are planned: Graphs displaying status/values over the time More detailed stats Dedicated status page Notifications on downtimes / uptimes Backup system This applications requires the PHP-cURL extension! This applications requires that this script is installed on any client server and is reachable by the forum server. Besides there application there some plugins that are created per request, but are not mandatory or useful for everyone using the application. Here is a list of plugins: Allow users on selection to select servers which they want to get notified from, commonly useful for hosting companies with infrastructure and a support forum: https://dev.grief.network/files/file/3-server-console-register/
  9. Version 1.0.0


    displaying message In Footer Settings set Description set Background color set Text color set Font Size set Margin set Padding
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This is a simple plugin that alters the amount of text/image shown in quote boxes. The changes are purely visual, no permanent change will be done to the stored post. It is also backward compatible with older posts. And everything will be restored if the plugin is disabled/uninstalled.
  11. Version 3.1.9


    Markers from extensions (such as Calendar) were added multiple times if cache was generated from a task/queue. Only moderators that actually have permission to delete content can delete member markers. Added a "Can delete own marker" group setting. Various bug fixes.
  12. Version 3.0.3


    Fixed the error message not display correctly the number of days/hours remaining. Fixed the uninstall process not handling correctly some columns.
  13. Version 1.0.8


    A few hours ago a new update was released for this plugin. New options to set a start and end date for the message.
  14. Version 1.0.1


    Simple widget to display activity and online members on a discord server. The widget uses the wdiget.json api provided by discord:
  15. Version 1.0.0


    EZ Header Language Chooser is another plug-in from my EZ plug-in line-up. My main design goal for the EZ plug-in line-up is simplicity. They must be easy (a.k.a EZ) to install, maintain, configure, and to use. Problem: When you have 2 or more languages setup the user must scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to select a different language. Solution: EZ Header Language Chooser will add a language selector on the top header for both desktop and mobile navigation; selecting a language just got EZ'ier. This plug-in is well suited if you only have a handful of languages as it displays them in-line. If you have more than 3 or 4 languages this may start to look ugly real quick but if you have just a few languages it's an EZ way to make them visible and accessible to your users. Enjoy!
  16. Version 1.0.0


    What does it do? This plug-in prevents your members from trying to steal attention, by entering a title in purely uppercasing with lots of punctuation. The Plug-in will try and strip the text to a more readable format that is constant with your board posting guidelines. Plug-in Settings: Case Types: There are 5 different types of casing that you can use. No Modification, Sentence Case, Upper Case, Lower Case and Title Case. Excessive Punctuation: This tries to reduce excessive punctuation from the title. This will turn ??????? to ? and !!!!!! to !. Exception Words: These are word of your choosing that will never have their casing changed, regardless of your plug-in settings. If the word is upper case, all of these words in the title will be forced Upper case for example. Remove Characters: These are characters that will be removed regardless of how many there are in the title text. Names that begin with O', Mc or Mac will be processed automatically from o'neill to O'Neill or mcneill to McNeill. At the moment, only the Forum Topics and Pages Applications will have their titles changed. Please note: This is a RC version and use on a production site at your own risk.
  17. Version 1.0.0


    The plugin displays the parent category "Downloads" the files in the subcategories. Very strange that this function is not used, the developers of the IPS, almost all engines use this feature by default.
  18. If you want to add Section Moderator you need someone who can write something by his own, not copying from different sites, for example you create something for games, i play different games and i make a review for them based on my experience not taking from other gamers. I can help with free resources from IPS when they are released on the main site and even retail software.
  19. Some recheck of the upload files will be good too, some files are old and don't work anymore, its good that webflake will be again on his old glory
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