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  1. I am not sure about Arma, but from experience GTA isn't nearly as intensive as many make it seem. I run a Piledriver 8320 AMD and I can stream 720P content for GTA at pretty high settings without any hiccups. I also have a 1080TI GPU with a 8700K that I can stream 4K 60FPS + for GTA V and it is overkill. I guess what I am saying is you don't need the top of the line just something decent. A good I5/I7 or a decent Ryzen 5/7 is more than enough CPU power for what you are wanting to do. Generally GTA V doesn't take more than 4GB of video memory if that helps. I only use like 1.5GB of video memory.
  2. The entire market is just a sham in my opinion anyway. Both companies know EXACTLY what they are doing and limit their "technology" to continue forcing new purchases over the spectrum of years as they pass. I.e. I wouldn't be surprised if technology for 4k gaming has been out for several years and they juw now releasing it with the 2080TI's etc. I've had great results with both companies overall. I have a machine that holds an newer Intel GPU and I have an older machine that holds a AMD GPU from early 2012. Both machines are still great though and have their own pros and disadvantages. The intel hardware like most will tell you tends to run hotter then the AMD, this means better cooling is required, but also in the long run the processing of said games is likely slightly better even though how better in 2019 could be argued with Ryzen out. the AMD line has always been great. I grew up with the Athlon brand, and eventually FX series CPU's. I still own a couple of Radeon GPU's to the boot and they work beautifully. I can always expect decent heat temperatures even just on air cooling which can be reassuring to me. This also has the given bonus that I don't need such an intensive power supply to run the games I want. I guess it just boils down to if you are a heavy gamer(aka like to play the newest games out ) , if you are a graphic freak who wants the highest resolution with most ultra settings, or if you just like a good storyline and don't care about the rest. Personally I can get along with just my AMD machine as I don't mind graphics a whole lot as long as the combat system and the storyline is pretty decent. (i.e. I HATE Mass Effect 1 ) but I LOVE Mass Effect 2 and going forward. )
  3. I must agree with Danohavek personally. I am not normally into that style of genre but it was a well done movie overall! I also enjoyed seeing all the battleships up on the sea shores a tad too much hahaha. Shame I didn't watch it in 3D I think it would had made it all the more awesome. I may go back and get the movie in 3D if possible and just watch it on my #dTV. Not quite the same as the theater but still close.
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