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L.Coroa last won the day on June 30 2018

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About L.Coroa

  • Birthday 01/27/1995

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  1. I'm looking for this global advertising plugin does anyone know which one to send to me? please or name me down?
  2. I just upgraded my forum all right then I was creating the topics and posts and I went to the forum to click type on my profile or on the topics it does not open load page and continues on the homepage of the forum someone helps solve this please
  3. Good friend can explain better not rs or if I had a video teaching thank you
  4. Well I would like to know how I backup only the accounts and forum topics? someone help please
  5. Just go in the forum that you create friend and it will have place for you to open the image so open and add the icon that you leave
  6. Can anyone get me the Portuguese version translator IPS 4.4.3 ??
  7. Good friend, I do not think you have any help. because it has the one that removes more continuous round the image .cAuthorPane { padding: 10px !important; margin-top: 57px } aside.ipsComment_author.cAuthorPane.ipsColumn.ipsColumn_medium { width: 245px; }
  8. good as most of the themes of the forum IPS 4.3 they already have the option to edit for image in the background already that vulpes does not have anyone know how to add?
  9. Good friend I liked but I can not leave the avatar in normal size type 150x300 he just stays round?
  10. vlw to all that I try to help and more I installed the forum and I return to the normal one
  11. Hi, my friend, my code is enough to put you in the group I want. I hope I can help you <img src="https://i.imgur.com/8j7kyTU.png"><span style='color:#FF0000;font-weight: bold;text-shadow: 1px 1px 10px #FF0000; background: transparent url'>
  12. sorry for the text great friend bad and thanks for the help ae and ja I got in contact already with hosting thank you
  13. she does not have the 7.1 7.2 not just up to 7.0 friend
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