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  1. I'm not blind. It's not actually working for me.. and I already searched, no relevant answers with mine.
  2. @Phun, I don't want to physically purchase one, would like to rent one.@Chris, it must be of all 4 features you've mentioned. I need it for my hosting, storage, and other personal purposes. I believe having a excellent dedi should take care of them all top-notch
  3. ((Not sure if this is the right place, please move to correct board if current thread position is wrong))Well, I need a really strong dedicated server which can host as many servers as it can, with a really great bandwidth! Prices don't matter, dedicated servers which price is below 30,000$ are all welcome here!
  4. If you can at-least put in 5-8$ for a very trustable host, then I suggest you to go to Hosting24, very trustable and providing free domain on any web host package purchase
  5. ooh just bought my first IP.B license, guess need to use it for my retail forum :)

  6. How to adjust it to a specific category? Never saw that in the tutorial, or I must've very blind
  7. True say, fake claims are not easy to handle
  8. If they catch you, don't blame it on WB or it will loose respect all cause of a dumbass post.EDIT: I'm not sure, but I think mods will ask you to take that post down for the sake of WB.
  9. Yeah, it's a ill' bit buggy, but thou art is fine though haha xD
  10. Threader


    Yeah, the whole site was down when I was doing this tutorial, so I got a helluva scolding from my partner, so **** you DDoSers!
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