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bandnan last won the day on December 31 2016

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  1. No idea, i haven't worked on it for awhile.
  2. Ok so im back again from a another long break and im ready to do some more work. For anyone who knows i made a dark theme of Nerva found here: I'm looking to make another dark theme for IPB using the latest version. I plan to keep it up to date with all the changes. So im taking suggestions on a theme to convert to a Dark gaming skin. i might even create a theme from scratch one day, but thats in the future. so let me know what you think and like. I'm ready to start.
  3. Version 2.3


    Sngine is a Social Network Platform is the best way to create your own social website or online community. Launch it in just 1 minute with ultimate features. It’s fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated. Sngine is very easy to install, Watch how to install in less than 1 minute Sngine is the Fastest Social Network Script on Codecanyon Google PageSpeed 97/100 Demo User Demo:: Demo Link (You can register and test it yourself) Admin Demo:: Demo Link (Login using this username/password) Username: demo.admin Password: 123456 (This account can’t do any action on the demo version)
  4. Version 1.1.0


    Very clean a skin with advanced features designed for the IPS 4.1.x Fully customizable with features you can create a website that you want. NERVA WITH RENEWED INTERFACE All frames were rebuilt. WARNING: All customers who have previously purchased the first version Please uninstall the old version before installation, install the new version. Because skin has been completely renovated. Compatibility: IPS Community Suite +
  5. remove the body tag from the ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner{background:transparent} e Webkit scrollbar. example change: body::-webkit-scrollbar{width:0.775em;}body::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{background-color:crimson;} to ::-webkit-scrollbar{width:0.775em;}::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{background-color:crimson;} and you can add ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner{background:transparent} to remove the white box
  6. probably not the best but hey its a try :) or just some ideas, let me know if you would like a different design.
  7. Version 0.0.9


    About This File This skin is a remake of Nerva 4.1.x & IPBForo 1.0.9 in Dark Form. Very clean a skin with advanced features designed for the IPS 4.x. Fully customizable with features you can create a website that you want. Nerva with advanced features designed for the IPS 4.x is a clean skin. Nerva was rebuilt with skin v1.0.1 release. We attach great importance to the fact that we produce the skin at the same time user-friendly. Compatibility: IPS Community Suite IPS Applications: 1) Forums, 2) Calendar, 3) Chat, 4) Downloads, 5) Commerce, 6) Pages, 7) Blog, 8) Gallery.
  8. Nerva Dark v1 - Progress Report Some of you may know i have begun work on the Nerva theme, to transform it into a dark theme. i decided to post a update on how things are going and looking form some suggestions to be made Still to do/planned: change up colors, to appall visitors. change the header background. change message block background (suggestions would be nice). rework notification/alerts. add more options in theme config for easy change. rework profile page. more to come. Here is the sticky nav bar.
  9. I use eset I have bought licences for few years with them. I'm not a fan of Norton.
  10. lol the hate on logos here. thats why i learned to make my own lol.
  11. Hmm i did this in Cooltext, lol jk but here is my take on your design (image removed)
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Crush is a HTML5 Blog Theme in Elegant and clean Design. It is perfect for any personal blog. It follows the trendy design with a combination of pure elegance. It was designed by our small team of talented designers with passion, with desire to make the best possible wordpress blog for you. Template Features Fully Responsive This template is responsive to give a perfect user experience on all devices Crush uses Bootstrap 3.3.5. This means that a range of shortcodes are automatically supported. For ease of use you can use the Bootstrap Shortcode or any other plugin to easily add visuals to your website. Font Awesome 4.3 ( over 510+ Icons) also for menu items Sticky Header with Mainmenu Improve your website usability using Sticky Header feature. Main menu and logo will always be at the top of the screen, automatically following when user will scroll down. Built With HTML5, CSS3 & SCSS Crush was based on less a preprocessor with additional functionality like variables, mixins, and functions for compiling CSS. Jade files included Gulp files included Easily customizable with Node Template Engine Fully Layered and Organized PSD files included Parallax Background Smooth Scroll Contact form PHP scripts ready All Typography Elements Pixel Perfect Free Google Web Fonts Free Icon Fonts Unique and Minimal Style. Super Clear and Clean Layout. Easily customizable Photoshop files. And Much More… Credit FONT USED Raleway Montserrat Playfair Display ICONS Entypo Flaticon IMAGES All the images are display only, not included in the main download package. Please Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the theme and NOT included in the final purchase files. Online Support If you have any questions about customization of our template witch are not covered in the documentation feel free to ask a question in the comment section or create a ticket below. A technician will respond promptly to your issue. Support Center: http://support.osthemes.biz You May Also Want To Check More items by OSThemes
  13. Version 1.0.0


    ME+ is responsive Modern V-card. Not only responsive but also 100% Liquid. It means that the layout will be consistent in any screen size. Are You Freelancer? You going to need this Features Availability Ribbon Amazing Hover Effect Google Fonts Font Awesome jQuery EASYCALL Layout Management (jQuery plugin) Resume Content Features: Information Skills Experience Education Acknowledgement Download button Portofolio Content Features: Category easy to customize One item can have more than one category Blog Pages Hire Content Features: Statistic Number Availability Testimonials Services with price Schedule Contact Form Google Map API Loading Animation NOTE: IMAGES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN DOWNLOAD FILE
  14. i have updated Nerva 4.1.x & IPBForo to 1.0.9

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