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Music Case

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Everything posted by Music Case

  1. Ensure, the following is installed and in compliance to the IPS4 requirements: PHP5.5 (I think that's minimum for IPS) I use MySQL and Mariadb too but i know these may vary I'm also aware if you're on a Centos6 or 7 machine and you just run the native yum install php, it will only install php5.4 since the Centos packages are out dated but there's ways around this since i use Centos6
  2. Hello, before I start please note: This is not a permanent solution to get blocks at the top of the forums / portal it will work however if an update came out in the future to add blocks natively at the top i would recommend that! I'm not very good at all with creating content for IPS4 but I seem to be able to adjust created content for my purposes. Before I start I'd like to say This edits the globalTemplate.html and doesn't use blocks, this must be done manually per theme you have. Iv'e seen a few people on here in the past and a few other nulling sites about been able to place blocks at the top of Forums // Portal with side blocks like the picture below: While the block manager doesn't allow it, it will only allow above the Forums or Portal next to the side blocks, editing the globalTemplate.html you can add the Chatbox or Blocks at the top of your website. Firstly what i'm using (Shouldn't matter too much but for purpose of demonstration): IPS Nulled by Webflake.sx Chatbox 1.2.9 (Webflake.sx) Portal 1.6.0 (Invision-Virus, sorry webflake ) What I did: I went into the customization, themes, edit HTML and CSS, I then went on to opening the ''bimchatbox >> Chat >> Main'' html file, which showed the following: Which I then copied the entire code and pasted it into the ''globalTemplate'' html file, this part is really really fiddly and i can't offer accurate help as all the ''globalTemplate'' files are different but via trial and error i found out where the code went for it to appear under ''breadcrumbs'' but above content. So I could determine what was the chatbox code and what was the original html I put the code between: <!-- Chatbox Code --> //Chatbox HTML <!-- //Chatbox Code --> as seen in this picture: Then I saved the ''globalTemplate'' html file and refreshed my home page and viola it worked! However Emoticons Will Not work by default, because as I found out when you insert a chatbox the legitimate way where you use the block manager it will add a javascript file which includes your Emoticons and when you remove it via the block manager it removes them. After an hour or so messing around (causing lots of issues in the process) I found what the added javascript file is and to add Emoticons to your chatbox without having it on the block manager you have to add the following code to your ''globalTemplate'' <!-- Emoticons --> <script type="text/javascript"> ips.setSetting( 'chatbox_conf_interval', 10000 ); ips.setSetting( 'chatbox_soundEnabled', ips.utils.db.get( 'chatbox', 'sounds' ) ); ips.setSetting( 'chatbox_topStyle', 0 ); ips.setSetting( 'chatbox_maxMSG', 100 ); ips.setSetting( 'chatbox_maxEmoticons', 5 ); ips.setSetting( 'chatbox_Emoticons', {">:(":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/angry.png",":D":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/biggrin.png","O.o":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/blink.png",":$":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/blush.png","B|":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/cool.png","\u00ac\u00ac":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/dry.png","^_^":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/happy.png","o.O":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/huh.png","xD":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/laugh.png",":|":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/mellow.png",":o":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/ohmy.png",":ph34r:":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/ph34r.png","9_9":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/rolleyes.gif",":(":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/sad.png","-_-":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/sleep.png",":)":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/smile.png",":P":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/tongue.png",":\/":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/unsure.png",":S":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/wacko.png",";)":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/wink.png",":x":"http:\/\/\/uploads\/emoticons\/wub.png"} ); ips.setSetting( 'chatbox_imgPost', 1 ); ips.setSetting( 'chatbox_24h', false ); ips.setSetting( 'chatbox_getAll', false ); </script> <!-- End Emoticons --> However: This code i linked above will contain ONLY the default emoticons, if you have custom Emoticons then just let me know a board URL and i'll get the code for your site, bare in mind this will have to be updated every time you add new Emoticons This entire tutorial is currently working for me but results may vary I did a few more CSS edits to make it mobile friendly etc. I haven't has much chance to check if adding the code in your ''globalTemplate'' will still use the rules you set in the ACP, however I don't see why it wouldn't none of the code is edited so to speak. DEMO site (My personal Site, it has Advertisements Heads Up)
  3. My website uses the same plugin to my knowledge or one with a similar title anyways, my website's currently down for DDoS, but i'm presuming that the code for custom fields is something like: <ul> <li>custom content</li> <li>custom content</li> </ul> While i'm not sure of the IDs of these fields for this plug in or if they'll share the same IDs of something else on the site, if for example the IDs was '' ips_custom_content_ul '' and '' ips_custom_content_li '' then adding this to your custom.css would work: #ips_custom_content_ul { list-style-type: none; } #ips_custom_content_li { float: left; } HOWEVER, that's if you could find the IDs and IF it is <ul><li></li></ul>... If you could link the plugin // application (whichever it is) so i could check if it's the same as mine and A Website URL so i can look while my sites down would be a great help! Once my sites back up and running i'll have a play around on mine.
  4. Hey dude, do it from your home page (domain.com) and not your ACP... Then click the arrow in the middle left of the screen to open up the blocks tab then drop and drag it into the area you want. I'll post pictures too, to help, iv'e changed my theme to the standard one so it doesn't look confusing with my normal theme.
  5. Hello, So i have a sever and i uploaded all the files to the new server for ips4 nulled (iv'e done this around 5 times with 3.6 and 4.1 in the past with no issues) and i go to install and it says make "applications datastore plugins" writeable so i do using filezilla chmod to 777 and refresh installation and it still doesn't recognize them been writeable so i use SSH and use chmod 777 /var/www/html/"datastore" etc and still doesn't recognize and i dont know why any idea ? Any help is great thanks
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