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Royr last won the day on July 1 2017

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  1. Royr

    IPB Board (4.1.9)

    I guess you don't understand right? did you see the GIF provided i can't even LOGIN and how can i upgrade the software?
  2. Royr

    IPB Board (4.1.9)

    Thanks for the suggestion, but I can't just give up an old forum with a bunch of contents.
  3. Royr

    IPB Board (4.1.9)

    Hi up for this anyone?
  4. Hey! I have some question, how can I make my IPB Board(Ver 4.1.9) make it work I successfully re-import it again to my Local Host using (XAMPP). Now the main problem is every time I click certain links from the Forum it redirects me to the XAMPP Dashboard. If i missed anything please correct me i know it's been like 3 years already. I can't make a new forum since I have many useful contents to my old forum. I couldn't access to my Admin CP it redirects me to XAMPP Dashboard. I would love if somebody could help me out to make my forum workout again. Regards, Royr
    Hi, i appreciate you upload this Paid File from WebFlake i'm just wondering if this one still works on
  5. Royr

    Question Featured Topics

    Looking for this plug-in too.
  6. Thank you very much for helping me i appreciate it was the cached of IPS. PLEASE CLOSED THIS THREAD.
  7. I don't think that there is something went wrong on Plugins, it should be in the FILES. however, it was 100% with no failure.
  8. Alright thank you for the advice! i appreciate it.
  9. Hi, everyone! First of all, i just bought a new domain today, and I fully backups everything from my old domain so i transfer my IPS Forum to a new domain, However, i encounter some weird issues. Does anybody know or who have some pieces of advice on how to fix this issues? when I transfer my IPS forum to a new domain from FTP there were no failures on transferring everything is 100% success. Thank you in advanced!
  10. Hi, Royr i'm happy to be part of the WebFlake Community and it has been very useful resources for IPS Community. And i would like to extend my gratitude to @Lady C for helping the migration. Thank you! Regards, Royr
  11. Royr

    Xenforo or IPB?

    Been using IPB since decade i would suggest using IPS now. Past forums i used was open-source. like PhpBB,MyBB,VanillaBB and etc etc.
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